Not one drop of my self-worth depends upon your acceptance of me.

Aug 01, 2010 00:45

I thought you might appreciate the latest bit of news from a prominent acteur:

Dearest intelligent people,

If you've been following the minutia of my life, you'll know that I had a touch of surgery recently to receive a bionic knee. My doctor assures me that I'll dance the Tango again. Though, with this scar, I might not choose to do it in a kilt any time soon.

I've been busying myself with the business of getting better and as part of my healing regime, I spent some time resting and watching the World Cup. If you listen closely, you'll hear something extraordinary. Ssshhhhh. Quiet! …. There it is. Do you hear that unmistakable sound?

No, it's not the vuvuzelas. It's the World Cup song that minion Dean recorded with me and some friends for the 2006 World Cup. When you're done here, you can watch the video and download the song from iTunes. It's a great little pick-me-up. And whatever you do, please, don't mention the war.

Not Too Much Rest For The Wicked

Alimony waits for no man and even in recovery for my knee I went to work. I spent some time filming an episode of the HBO series Entourage. The people there were very kind and accommodating. I'm sure that they had the purest ice from an iceberg in the Canadian arctic flown in especially for my knee. They were simply that thoughtful.

Here's a photo of me getting made up for Entourage, my lovely daughter Camilla standing behind me. She's on Twitter now too ( @millacleese). If you follow her there, please be sure to tell her that I sent you.
After Entourage, it was off to Las Vegas to speak to a crowd of 6,000 Domino Pizza franchisees. As I am lactose and gluten intolerant, I very nearly gave the speech from inside a protective bubble.

Not wanting to be called an utter loon for rolling out onto the stage in a giant hamster ball, I consulted with my hypnotist friend Anthony Cools the night before the event. He placed me under his hypnotic control and planted reinforcing messages about the happy nature of cheese and crust. As you can see, later that evening I was feeling much better about the speech. But, for some reason everytime someone mentions Stephen Fry, I cluck like a chicken.
Jumbly Bits

I was recently reminded that the original Ministry of Silly Walks sketch aired forty years ago this year. Why not commemorate this momentus occasion with one of the fabulously designed t-shirts available in the UK and US World of Cheese shops? I'm certain that wearing one will make you appear very tall and even more intelligent. You will be the envy of all who cast their gaze upon your stlyish new togs.

Remember that film I shot in South Africa? The trailer for Spud the Movie is now available and they say the movie will be in cinemas in November.

I sincerely hope that you are finding time to enjoy yourselves this summer (or, winter for my southern friends). Please do stop by my forum, Twitter or Facebook and tell me what you've been doing this season. I'll make Garry read your notes aloud to me while I eat strawberries, drink wine and lounge in the sun.

Until next time dear friends,

John C. Cleeseberg

aka John Cheese

Ye Olde Prospector fully reccommends adding yourself to his email list. Gorilla!

john cleese
