Waiting to go to Kensington....

Sep 03, 2005 09:42

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1) If dracula_is_gay were hanging off a cliff, what would happy_corn_cube do? he would most likely help
2) Thoughts on happy_corn_cube? he's cute... and dumb... and that's about it ;) jk I <3 you Travis!
3) How would wheredaraffiat kill xxunxlovedxx? She would probably strangle her
4) What is katiecometrue22's shoe size? umm.... 4? idk
5) What is crazymoose allergic to? umm.... snow...?
6) Do you think moylando is hot? yea, he's pretty cute
7) Does happy_corn_cube have a dog? yes
8) How long have you known copiousdreams? since freshman year... so... 5 years
9) Is happy_corn_cube related to xxunxlovedxx? no
10) What is moylando's favorite band/artist? i have no idea
11) mikeconsig's hair color? sandy brown?
12) What would you do if wheredaraffiat died? i would be very very sad, and i would smoke a blunt and drink 40s in her honor :)
13) Which president would icesk8ncutie04 be likely to idolize? i don't know
14) Would you make out with amishjackass7? haha no!
15) What do you agree with moylando about? music.......?
16) Is lance786 1337? WTF?
17) What exotic animal would cutziestar04 like as a pet? def a monkey, or was that ally? I just remember someone wanting a monkey in gradeschool... lol
18) Do you have cutziestar04's screenname? yes i do
19) If wheredaraffiat had a superpower, what would it be? Cassie-40-Hands has the ability to out drink and out smoke the evil Robo-Cop...
20) Does dracula_is_gay have a big secret? probably, but i wouldn't know about it
21) What is tgp1810's biggest flaw? that he's too good to be true!
22) Would moylando and paisley_daisy look good together? as a couple? i don't think that would work
23) Where did you first meet the_holyshadow? Garden City Library
24) What comic book character would cutziestar04 be? Veronica from Archie Comics
25) What mental disorder does crazymoose remind you of? Schizo!
26) Is mikeconsig athletic? idk, maybe he is
27) One quality you find attractive in tgp1810? OMG! The boy smells so wonderful!!
28) Could you see happy_corn_cube and totally_radical together? Hmm, possibly... but not really
29) Is totally_radical popular? That girl is the shit!
30) Where was lance786 born? Michigan... haha
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