… I had this dream. A fairy tale land that consisted of many towns strung together by one giant railroad choo choo thing. So I appear at around 10-12 years. Overalls with only one shoulder up, a grimy white tee shirt, newspaper boy hat. And bare feet. I had slipper-type-moccasins, but I apparently didn’t wear them unless leaving this child’s center place that I lived…. Might have been an orphanage… and left them with a bit of money and soap under a box under a bench in the playground of the children’s center. So there was me… looking like a pretty little boy as usual…There was also a boy. I’m pretty sure he had reddish-brown hair and blue eyes and was wearing almost what I had on, minus the overall bit, plus a jacket, and leather non-moccasin shoes and a bag…. A leather rucksack type. He was my friend. Or accomplice. Or something… I think I had a crush on him-don’t know… that didn’t really matter until later in the dream.
So I’ve this friend/accomplice that’s a boy. He had a name, but I don’t remember it exactly, but I took to calling him -boy blue- out of the dream and was considering giving him blue hair but that wasn’t the reality of it, don’t think though I might do it anyway later on. So there’s him and me on this playground-type facility that had a small cafeteria building attached, ‘servants’ quarters [there were three people that took care of the masses of kids] and that was a bout it. An orphanage or whatever where we sleeped outside to learn ‘survival skills’… there was a town off in the far distance that we could see… there was a train station there. It was an island. All the surrounding places were in view, but islands connected by a slim rail road… like the railroad in spirited away. For the purpose of getting out of here -I think… there might’ve been something to find- I needed to ‘get out of here’. Which. Wasn’t supposed to happen. Boy Blue, who’s actual name will hopefully be recalled, wanted out too. I forget his reasoning. I think he just hated the place. I had an actual reason… it was the start of a quest dream, quests have more reason that wanting out of a bad situation. So it’s a fairy tale world…. Hmm…. Now I’m seeing blue-boy as blonde…. But I’m pretty sure he wasn’t… and the orphanage place was actually in place to pick out the ‘special’ kids from the lots that had powers. Not huge massive powers, but fairy tale type special ness. Some actual fairy tales characters were there. Goldilocks knew BB and I. She liked him. Which makes me think I liked him too, ‘cause I didn’t like her. She wore this little, frilly pink dress and carried a teddy bear and was slightly younger than the two of us. The teddy bear. Square shaped head, mismatched button eyes of different sizes , floppy body and a crooked smile. The type of thing I’d make now a days but is kinda creepy. So she had powers. She could make people do whatever she wanted by looking at them with a certain level of cuteness. I found it repulsive… but then again, at this point in the story I had yet to show any special ness, so meh. Boy blue had a small horn-instrument-thing that did a number of things. Hence why he’s named such… though I don’t think it was the intention… and it might have been an ocarina…. But he wasn’t link.
Meh. Miss Marion ran the place and she was kinda like McGonagall, but scary and ugly and I didn’t like her. Two henchmen of mass size. I think they sold us. The extras who weren’t special. They went away on a ship after they became teenagers. The special ones were special and allowed to exist in fairy tale world. Anyway. We wanted out. The two of us, the boy and I. and this young girl followed him around everywhere but she wasn’t a part of the plans and no one really cared. So this car shows up. Kinda like a jeep, but bigger and environmental friendly and more boxlike than the jeep but not a hummer at all and it was white and kinda old and these pretty Spanish type people who were decidedly Gypsies came around the track . one day. You’re not supposed to come on the track, but meh. So BB and I are sitting next to the track talking and avoiding Miss Marion when this thing pulls up and I’m all, “Hey! They can take us to the train station.” And it wasn’t thought of as weird because we’d both been thinking up situations like this for ever. So we run along side the jeep thing till it stops and this pretty woman who was driving stops and looks up at us, and we smile and wave and wordlessly ask to come on, and she nods explaining how there’s room in the back and we bow to thank her, and BB starts to get on. But I run back to the place to get my shoes ‘cause my feet might hurt on foreign ground’ and my money.
Marion starts harping me out. Goldilocks joins cause she dislikes me immensely, then kinda snaps together whats going on and runs off, leaving me with this Marion lady who’s yelling at my about knowing my place since I’d ignored her and skived off the afternoon. Forced to attention, I growl out a ‘I know mine, fucking learn yours.” Complete with a roundhouse kick to her face as she’d grabbed me and I had to get away, and then some flipping her the bird as I dash off back to salvation…. Which is leaving. With A laughing bunch of pretty Spaniards, some guy in a cowboy hat that I knew, boy blue, and a very smug goldilocks. I’m left to gape for a few seconds before starting to run after them and almost catching up before tripping on…. THAT GODDAM BEAR! Bear clutched in hand I stand up to run again as it’s the only way out I know of, cause they were sticking to the tracks and the tracks were safe from the fence that surrounded the kid place. Where I didn’t want to be. The tracks were dangerous for humans to be on.
Like really dangerous. I think there were orgo sensors or something. Anyways. The car wasn’t supposed to be on the tracks, but these people were going somewhere with purpose and had all that covered. Clutch the bear, get up, and keep running like hell after your only chance of escape. I’d almost made it, the stuff the tracks were on starting to burn through my feet when the truck lurked off the tracks and took to a road. . I fell off the tracks mound thing, we were just past the gates of the kid place. They were headed to town. That was the only place that road went. Which meant that BB still had some of his senses and they were headed to the train station. I slowed my pace and started walking after them. Mu. More later. I think I’ve got the entire thing etched in my brain now.
The breaks in that nonsense were for sanity.... it was orignially just one huge block. If anyone actually read that they deserve a cannoli and a hug. mu.
Since I'm the only one who reads this, I'll be happy to know that I'm actually making a not-half-assed layout. like. learning the crap... and stuff. Fun. Pretty sure I'm using tomoyo. Tomoyo is love. always has been. And clamp has modern stuffs of her. Yamazaki aired recently in Tsubasa. I was overjoyed. but there's no hey look, yamazaki all full and pretty otherwise I'd use him. or Tamayo. they've her too. Though tomoyo was first in my heart. even before hiiragizawa... *melts* I'm gonna die when clamp finally draws him into tsubasa, melt. MELT.
Life's been boring and monotonous. I'll write about that at some other time. when my entry's not a bajillion pages long [3] and about a dream. half a dream. that should have been put behind a cut. fu.