What I like being part of Malaysians: plenty of good food, we take things easy most of the time, we are fairly gentle yet a bit sensitive, we obsess with mega-sale, football, as well as badminton, we have sense of humor even though sometimes it's a little bit dry, we are relatively religious.
Interestingly, our politics is more fictional than fiction itself. I think that's what make us proud at this moment. Oh, and we prefer to impart satirical iteration rather than being direct.
And what I dislike: sometimes we tend to be bull-headed despite the fact that we despise firm approach, we are quite determined when we believe in something, we like to be served and praised (even though occasionally it's not reciprocated with what have been done), and we are quite judgemental. Some of us tend to act holier-than-thou while some echo on the notion of limitless freedom.
Nonetheless, I am more than grateful for who we are. We are not perfect. Certainly there are many flaws. Despite all, here is where everything begins. With current scenario, I wish there will be a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel. A bright light. Once and for all.
P/s: I am not trying to be patriotic here. Just my 2 cents 😅