Back in Virginia. Left New York Saturday night. Slept most of yesterday!
Saw some things...
Went to Central Park..
Didn't go in but did stop for a photo!
I was there!
Also here!
Friday night we went to Connecticut and had dinner.
Saturday night we went and saw The Nutcracker ballet. That was awesome. Absolutely wonderful! I loved it! It was beautiful and funny. Very entertaining! That was an experience I wouldn't have been without. It was lovely. I'm still enthralled!
Lincoln Center.
It was a few good days in NYC. I saw loads of other stuff. Walking down 5th Avenue on Black Friday when you're not fond of crowds I would not recommend... :S Escaped to the Empire State building (didn't go in but it was very pretty.) Whenever we were actually in the city we moved around a lot and ticked a lot of boxes. Saw so much...