The teams have been announced for the Christmas match on 6th December. I am THRILLED to have been declared fit for bouting, and will be playing for my team, the
Steam Rollers.
Steam Rollers
The two key words for the Steam Rollers are Tactics and Potential. Built around a core of Captain Fox Sake, Vice Captain Bette Noir and Slice Andice, this trio are among the strongest tactical minds in the LRG. Fox is a roller derby player’s roller derby player. She may not be a flashy player, but she can always be guaranteed to be in the right place at the right time for a well-placed hip check. Bette is the most experienced player in the UK currently, having previously played for the Angel City Derby Girls and playing a pivotal role in the setting up of the LRG. Slice is a strong pivot, with organisational skills unmatched in the league at this moment in time.
And Sky Rockit. The lady who holds nearly every LRG jammer record at this moment in time will be in Steam Rollers colours. The crowd’s roller girl of the bout every time since the award began, she will bring a ready made fan club with her to the team, and is bound to be the difference maker in many a jam. However, beyond Sky Rockit, the ‘Rollers are a little short on Jammer depth. Fox can jam, and is improving all the time, and Nuke-Leah is getting better and better with each practice, but if Sky does get injured, it could prove a stumbling block .
In terms of potential, besides Nuke-Leah, the team has 3 more players who could possibly be among the next wave of LRG stars. Ena Flash has people split over whether she’s going to find her niche as a blocker or a jammer, or both, whilst Raw Heidi is viewed by some as the next Correctional Felicity. Spooky Von Strange came of age on the track during Summer Shovin’ and her appearance with team UK at Rollercon and has the ability to play a big role this year.
We are facing the
Suffra Jets, who played - and won - the first bout of the season against the Ultraviolent Femmes.
Suffra Jets
Some people would say that, on paper, the Suffra Jets are the strongest of the new permanent teams. Whether you agree with that statement or not, there’s two things which cannot be argued with. The ‘Jets feature several players who are definites for any travel team line up, and this is one hard hitting team! Correctional Felicity is widely regarded as the toughest roller girl in Britain, and the one that all the newbies are scared of. She can play anywhere on the track, and do it with ease. Kitty DeCapitate will be the main jammer for the ‘Jets. Quick, agile, and with the ability to find and expose even the smallest gaps, Kitty will be a handful for both of the other teams. What these two will bring to the team off the track is going to be just as much as an asset as anything they can bring on it, as my sources tell me that extra training has been the order of the day for them, with the team being asked to arrive early for training for circuit training! Something tells me that stamina will not be an issue for the ‘Jets!
This is not just the ‘Rex and Kitty show though, Poison Arrow, the longest standing member of the LRG will be integral. Once viewed as a jammer, Poison now seems to specialise in playing at the front of the pack, and will be the team’s main obstructional blocker. And lets not forget N-Emma-Si5. Likely to be the player at the back of the pack whenever she plays, if you see her trademark glasses staring you down, you have two choices. Move quick, or hit the deck.
The biggest question to ask of the Suffra Jets will be how will they play tactically? I believe that an over reliance on the skills of Correctional, Kitty and N-Emma-Si5, could lead to their downfall if their opponents manage to successfully deal with them on the day.
I will post more information about tickets and times when I have them - but please keep December 6th free to come and support the Steam Rollers!
You can support one of the other teams if you really like, honest, I won't mind...