Re: In Which The Meeting of the Camp Chitaqua Book Club Comes To Order (Chuck, Cas; Gen) [2/2]claudiapriscusMarch 28 2010, 06:13:41 UTC
Damn. Just damn. You need to write like a billion more. The line about his skeleton smile, and the wire.... I have never read anything that captured it more perfectly.
Re: In Which The Meeting of the Camp Chitaqua Book Club Comes To Order (Chuck, Cas; Gen) [2/2]maychorianMarch 28 2010, 11:37:48 UTC
1) This is amazing. I love that even when Castiel is so bitter and worn and lost, Chuck is still a presence he can endure. I can completely see that, with Chuck being so inoffensive and Chuck that they just make it work somehow. And I love the idea of Chuck being a sekrit literature nerd. I imagine it makes him feel inadequate, as it does for all writers. (Surely he is aware that he writes the pulpiest of pulp with the most pedestrian of prose?) Anyway, love this moment between them, and as has been mentioned, the descriptions of Castiel, especially the smile.
Re: In Which The Meeting of the Camp Chitaqua Book Club Comes To Order (Chuck, Cas; Gen) [2/2]xaaraMarch 28 2010, 13:50:42 UTC
I love how you can make this prompt, which should be utter crack, into something remarkably moving.
Cas's fights with the Winchesters, his budding friendship with Chuck, and his growing collection of pharmaceuticals all really fit into the 5.04 world. And of course he would like Poe. (Is all that we see or seem/ But a dream within a dream?)
Re: In Which The Meeting of the Camp Chitaqua Book Club Comes To Order (Chuck, Cas; Gen) [2/2]stripedsockscatMarch 28 2010, 22:41:51 UTC
I got recc'd over and ended up here and just wanted to say how much I loved this. I absolutely love how much you managed to get in about Dean and Cas's relationship/friendship whatever, without even putting Dean in the story. Sad and lovely.
Re: In Which The Meeting of the Camp Chitaqua Book Club Comes To Order (Chuck, Cas; Gen) [2/2]maskedfangirlMarch 28 2010, 22:50:59 UTC
Wow. Here I was expecting to see humor, and you brought beautiful language, spot-on characterization, and a scene that's heart-wrenching in the best of ways.
Re: In Which The Meeting of the Camp Chitaqua Book Club Comes To Order (Chuck, Cas; Gen) [2/2]lexhibitionMarch 29 2010, 09:05:17 UTC
OH GOD Could you just try a little harder to hurt me, please? I think there's still a piece of my heart that hasn't been shattered into tiny little pieces.
Just so you know? You don't write. You paint with words.
Re: In Which The Meeting of the Camp Chitaqua Book Club Comes To Order (Chuck, Cas; Gen) [2/2]vikkiMarch 29 2010, 15:19:04 UTC
Wow. You know, you're the only person I trust with Castiel14? Because, dude. This is awesome. I like Chuck and him exchanging books. I like that Castiel is naked because he's a creeper who has orgies, and his collection of drugs that's in the same drawer as the Dan Brown books. I like him trying to read in the dark and being surprised when he finds out it's actually getting dark. I like how Chuck is almost his friend.
Re: In Which The Meeting of the Camp Chitaqua Book Club Comes To Order (Chuck, Cas; Gen) [2/2]dotficMarch 31 2010, 03:16:38 UTC
Whoa, this. This happened, exactly like you wrote it. I love the way you have with the sharp details that connect with character, and the way you caught the bitterness here.
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2) :( I hope not. Really?
3) You love us. Don't try to lie.
this is exquisite
Cas's private repository of drugs that Chuck has to so carefully 'ask' to 'borrow' from - ffff that was painful man.
Cas's fights with the Winchesters, his budding friendship with Chuck, and his growing collection of pharmaceuticals all really fit into the 5.04 world. And of course he would like Poe. (Is all that we see or seem/ But a dream within a dream?)
I'm going to reread this fic a lot.
Just so you know? You don't write. You paint with words.
This is great. Now I have to go cry.
I mean that in the best way possible.
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