Who: ALL OF MAYFIELD for the most part
What: Mayfield Prom 195X
When: Fri., April 29, at 7PM
Where: the gym of Mayfield High
Warning: hijinks of all kinds! Drinking! Dancing! Making out?! And maybe some action tags. We're cool with that.
Friday Friday gotta have prom on Friday )
So at the moment, not here yet.
Did you have things like this back where you came from?
[Something that she was quite pleased to be. Being a witch at a social event like that was awkward. No on wanted to be rude, but no one wanted to be the one to ask her for a dance in case she did something.]
I don't have much free time at home.
[Also avoiding the question. Yes and no and yes and it's not so much a job as just a way of being.]
[He's very quaint, somewhat Victorian and formal, and quite European -- or, more precisely, "Europan," as he comes from an alternate time line. He approaches and bows, very graciously.]
It has been made clear that I ought not wait to be introduced, fraulein. So may I introduce myself? I am Tarvek Sturmvoraus, prince-in-exile, spark-without-talent, and humble newcomer to this township. I would be delighted to make your acquaintance.
I'm Hirai Yukari.
[She conceals an amused grin. Tarvek talks rather like her mother, Wilhemina. Only partially because he's basically from the same place.]
Your dress is lovely, if I may say so. So much more exquisite in the detailing than much of what I have seen since arriving here, and perfectly suited to your figure and style.
Is there a reason you are here, beneath the step-seats? I am here because, quite honestly, it's all quite new and I needed a few minutes to catch my breath. This is much louder and less structured than the parties I am used to.
[Her lack of figure, anyway. Shana's basically a stick with corded muscle on her, some very slender curves but those aren't really... much to write home about in Mayfield, land of women more busty than her.]
I'm just watching over my friends, I.... want to make sure they're having fun.
Instead, he is thinking she's charming, and appears a bit bashful, and that she deserves a dance if she wishes one. He gives another little bow, and offers his hand.]
Watching over friends can be a little boring. And it seems a shame to miss dancing. I would be most honored if you'd accept a dance with me. I am to some degree unfamiliar with the local dances, but have worked out the steps to a simple one with a square pattern. I would not embarrass you too much, I think.
[He's pouring on charm, with honest good will. He's been very well trained by a rigid standard of manners, and a pretty young girl ought not be without dance partners in any case.]
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