
Jul 19, 2011 20:43

[Wednesday morning is a particularly warm day in Mayfield. With the sun in the sky, it seems like the perfect time to go for a swim down at the rec center. Luckily for you, although the pool has been closed off the past two days, it seems as though this morning, someone has left the door unlocked ( Read more... )


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Comments 261

coolbowtie July 20 2011, 03:46:46 UTC
[As soon as he sees the uniform, the Doctor jumps into the pool (in the shallow end because Time Lords are not made for swimming!) and goes over the body. It's not any fellow officer that he recognizes. Which makes him even more nervous about the entire thing.

He takes it gently by the hand and pulls it into the shallow end, preparing to examine it.]


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 03:54:03 UTC
[The hand in his grasp tenses slightly as he touches it.

This man is still alive.]


coolbowtie July 20 2011, 03:57:22 UTC
[The Doctor gasps and grabs the man by the middle and pulls him over to the stairs used to exist and enter the pool.

The Doctor struggles to carry the man out of the pool gently, being a skinny weak idiot, and instead settles for leaving him propped up against the stairs.

He turns the man over, to keep his face out of the water.]


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 04:00:10 UTC
[The man coughs and sputters as he's pulled from the water. The Doctor might notice the deep blood stains all over his uniform, implying the head wound is not the only wound. The Doctor might notice that his badge does in fact say Officer Grady. The Doctor might also notice the head wound: it appears a bullet went through the man's eye at close range. A large part of his face is gone.

There is no reason this man should still be alive.]


lunawolves10th July 20 2011, 03:48:36 UTC
[ Though he's on his way to the gunnery range, the stench of blood pings the Space Marine's enhanced senses. Running to the pool, Garviel wades right in, trying to examine the body, his eyes checking for heat-spill, and reaching out to touch the man, feeling for a pulse trying to determine if there is still life in the body. ]


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 03:54:33 UTC
[There is still a pulse, although he's cold to the touch as though he had died.]


lunawolves10th July 20 2011, 04:02:02 UTC
Ser... can you hear me? [ Garviel will try to tug him to the poolside, and see if he can't get a towel or something to apply pressure to the head wound. Best thing he can think of to do, since he's not an apothecary and he can't do more, for the moment, he'll yell ]

Is there a doctor here?


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 04:05:33 UTC
[He'll be able to get him poolside and apply pressure, but he'll also see that the wound is a close range gunshot going through the eye. It should be fatal. The man chuckles, although his voice is weak and he sounds in pain.]

A doctor? Sure, run along and get a doctor.


cueballer July 20 2011, 03:49:16 UTC
[...Oh dear. Scratch shakes his head at the sight. He has no clue who it is, but judging by the looks it doesn't appear to be someone from the usual bunch of kidnapped.


Scratch motions his hand toward the body and attempts to teleport it out of the water, hoping to bring it in front of him on the poolside. For examination sake.]


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 03:55:48 UTC
[He'll be successful at teleporting the body to the poolside. There, the body lies face down on the ground. The blood is matting in the man's hair; there seems to be a large hole in the back of his head, like the exit wound from a gunshot.]


cueballer July 20 2011, 03:59:33 UTC
[Scratch bends down to examine the corpse, noticing the wound rather easily, but not making any sort of shock to it. He begins to pat at the body with his hands, seeing if he can find anything on it of possible interest.

After that, whether or not he succeeds at finding something, he'll gently try to turn the body over and then examine the man's neck. He isn't quite well versed in the makeup of a human body, but he sometimes feels his own human heart beating into the side of his neck. So maybe he might find a similar 'pulse' in this man.]


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 04:02:32 UTC
[In his back pocket, there's a wallet, but it is empty and there's nothing identifying about it.

The man does have a pulse. He also has the exit wound's entry wound to match, a terrible gunshot to the eye that appears to have happened at close range. The man's uniform is stained with blood, and identifies him as Officer Grady.]


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mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 03:57:08 UTC
[The body will float in the pool.]


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mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 04:06:04 UTC
[He's face down in the water, so she won't be able to get much of a look of him.]


bogusmagicker July 20 2011, 03:50:51 UTC
[It is a body.

Yuki drifts over to the pool and stares for a moment or two before drifting over to the place where supplies were kept. She rummages around for a moment or two before retrieving a round, yellow floaty, which she proceeds to throw into the pool and sit upon.

...The wind picks up and blows her towards the man. She will grab him by the hand and pull him back towards the edge, paddling slightly.]


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 03:56:05 UTC
[The man's hand is as cold and lifeless as a corpse's.

Until it shifts in hers.]


bogusmagicker July 20 2011, 03:58:57 UTC
[She does not seem especially surprised. With unnatural strength, Yuki first removes herself from the pool, then lifts the man bodily out of the water without breaking a sweat. She'll lay him down by the edge and begin to run through the data comprising his body, searching for injuries or distinguishing marks to match to her internal database. She'll speak simultaneously.]

You are conscious?


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 04:04:55 UTC
[The injuries are immediately obvious. Half of his face is gone, blown away by a bullet to his eye. There's also blood all over his police uniform, which seems to have been made for a much larger, fatter man. Although his mangled face is unrecognizable, he does carry a badge identifying him as Officer Grady.

There's no response to her question, just a harsh hacking sound as he chokes up water, which should be answer enough. How he's conscious is another question entirely, as with the extent of his wounds, this man should clearly not be alive.]


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