Application Post

Jan 11, 2009 01:32

Please read over all the rules and information before applying in order to minimize any confusion before joining. If applying for a character that has already been dropped, it would be a good idea, though not required, to know something of their previous interactions. If you wish for your character to be placed in a specific house, please mention this in the application and specify that permission was obtained by the PCs already residing in that house. Remember, grammar and spelling are important -- if your app is lacking in these, you may be asked for revisions.

When applying, include the following:
Before applying, please look over any applications that were recently accepted to get an idea of what we're looking for.

If you apply for a character that has already been reserved, we will inform you and ignore the application until the reserve runs out. You may not apply for more than two characters from the same canon. For the sample entry, we recommend using testrun_box!

After you're accepted, please comment to the thread with your character journal and join the comms. Once you're accepted, please introduce yourself on the community. If your app is "Pending", do not freak out! This generally just means that we need you to make some minor revisions before we can accept it, and does not mean you've been rejected. We only flat-out reject applications in very rare cases, and you'll know when they are.
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