April Fools @ Mayfield

Mar 25, 2010 18:33


Mayfield is a sunny, cheerful, wholesome little town somewhere in the United States, sometime in the 1950s. You'll learn to love life in Mayfield; it's an ideal place to live and raise a family, and most folks spend their whole lives here...probably because no one can leave. A few new faces show up every now and then, but for the most part, the outside world isn't something these people have seen for a long time. Even people who 'leave' still remain in the town as mindless drones.

But on April 1st, the phones will start ringing, and at least for a moment, contact with the outside world will open again.

There's just one catch. Any residents can tell you that in Mayfield, we don't mind playing around with your head a little bit. So to show you the Mayfield spirit, incoming characters will be brainwashed. But you'll hardly notice! Characters will act completely normal, but with one exception- they'll think Mayfield sounds like a great place to live, and they're pretty jealous of all the lucky people who get to live there.

How does it work?

In Mayfield, we don't have any of your fancy communicator devices. Instead, everyone keeps in touch the old fashion way, by phone. During this event, characters from outside the game will also be able to make use of the phones.

Characters in the game already will make phone posts, and characters from outside the game will be able to reply Go to this post in order to see all of the posts that have been made. Remember- characters not in the game may only reply to posts that were linked from that post and say April Fools Event in the post title. If you post anywhere else, it will be deleted.

Who can participate?

Fictional characters. Sorry, but we're not going to allow muns or real life people to get in on this. But otherwise feel free to bring in characters who used to be in the game, characters who will be the game, characters who'll never be in the game, AU versions of characters, etc.

How does brainwashing work? Does my character have to be brainwashed?

Your character will act completely like their normal selves, with the exception that they've been brainwashed to like the sound of Mayfield. They'll ignore the bad things they hear, or think those are exaggerations, and they'll want to come live there themselves. We think this will be fun for the players, but if you don't want to do that, then no worries. Your character doesn't have to be brainwashed.

Do I need to sign up?

Nope, just reply to any posts with April Fools Event in the post title! Have fun!


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