10 Things About Me You Should Know

Nov 29, 2005 20:48

Gakked from cereta, cathexys and z_rayne (plus others.)

EDIT: 7/5/2007 update. Somethings have changed. Others remain the same:

EDIT 2: 6/13/2008 update. Some things have changed. Others remain the same:

These are the things that I assume you know about me when you're reading my LJ. And since a lot of people have been added to my friends list or are just popping by, it seemed like a good idea.

But in case this may be TMI...I'm cut tagging the hell out of this:

1. I'm one of those stereotypical fen journalists and opinion writers like to talk about. I'm 46 47 48 years old. I'm single and always have been, never been in a long term romantic relationship, I'm overweight and I have cats. Lots. Of. Cats.(6) And dogs (3). 6 of each currently. That said, I love being my age, being overweight is less of a problem than the hew and cry would have you believe -- I'm ridiculously healthy for the most part (low BP, low cholesterol). I own my own house and I've worked at the same company for 16 years.. I was laid off in December of 2006 and started my current job as an Office manger/HR Admininstrator on January 30th, 2007.

2. I identify as bisexual but my leanings are more to the lesbian side. I like my men tall and lean and pretty and my women to be full-figured, even on the plump side. Amazons of a sort. (Not that I don't like smaller women, I'm just -- I'm a bull in a china shop.) I'm a cuddler and if you meet me in person, after the initial awkward moments of meeting, do not be surprised if my hands find their way to your hair. I think women's hair is one of the sexiest things on the planet; short, long, curly, straight, silky, coarse. I am not as fascinated by men's hair.

3. I'm a Christian in the broadest sense of the word. I'm Episcopalian/Anglican by baptism and choice (trust me after some 40 odd years, I'm pretty sure of that) raised in the Orthodox Anglican tradition which makes me more Roman Catholic than some Catholics and most Protestants, only we drink micro brewed beer, think wine is God's gift, don't frown on birth control, and have Priests and Bishops who are both women and gay and sometimes both. I will pray for you, but I won't try to convert you, and I can honor the Earth in a Pagan fashion as easily as I can take communion. If I were any good at all at Languages, I'd teach myself Hebrew to honor the faith that gave birth to my own.

4. I have lived in the Deep South for most of my life and all of my adult life. I don't plan on moving. The other day, I was having a cigarette outside the office and looking at the most gorgeous fall day. I love my state. Not the politics or the too narrow-minded-hold the heavy-duty bible thumpers have on my culture and society, but the state itself. From the Appalachians to the swamps to the coastal areas to the evergreen stands of pine that cross my state. I love the seasons so well defined and the land and the variety and the, yes, even the history here, even though I can loathe the damage wrought by generations past. I love the food and the country roads and the fact that twenty miles out of the biggest metro area in the state, there is nothing but land and more land that soothes my soul. I love boiled peanuts, grits, and fried okra, and if you come visit me, I will make you the best fried chicken you've ever had.

5. I write slash. I'm pretty sure everyone has figured that out already, but you know, in the face of full disclosure.

6. I live with a roommate (known occasionally as the Red-Headed Demon Child or RHDC) who has a chronic and sometimes debilitating illness.(and all the drama that involves). We have been friends since college. And while we are in many ways both legally and emotionally each others significant other and/or domestic partner, we are not nor ever have been romantically or sexually involved. The RHDC is straighter than a straight thing.

I also have another roommate, but we call him "The Tenant" because he occupies the apartment attached to my house. The three of us have been friends only for slightly less time than the RHDC and I have been friends. He's gay. He's artistic. He is also handy to have around the house to do the guy things. also, he cooks. Twenty years ago I had a serious crush. I still have a serious crush because he's adorable and funny and mostly he's my other best friend (who will occasionally answer question in regards to #5.) Without trying to incite drama or asking for sympathy, the Tenant killed himself at home in January of this year (2007). The RHDC and I are still trying to deal.

7. I smoke, I occasionally drink too much, and for someone who writes about graphic sex regularly, I can be amazingly prudish. The writer is not what she writes. Sometimes I can be the biggest truck-driving, cigarette smoking, foul-mouthed, red-necked dyke you will ever meet. Other times you'd think I'd spent my entire life in a cloister, because I blush at compliments and won't meet eyes when a bold look is tossed my way, and frown at vulgar language. I dress in jeans and t-shirts 80% of the time, but when needed, I can pull on the heels and the contrasting seasonal business suit with matching jewelry and I'd fit right in with the Junior League. I like delicate, pretty jewelry and power tools. I believe in true love, happily ever after, love at first sight, and still approach relationships, even platonic ones, with a pragmatism that would make my Yankee-born mother proud. I am both an idealist and a realist. I want what I can't have and I make do very well, thanks, with what I do have.

8. I'm a writer. This is different than being a slasher. I write constantly. I always have. I am online easily 18 hours a day and my job and workplace are such that if I don't have other responsibilities, I can pretty much do anything I want. I love my job. But I'm also serious about the work I do -- it's a trade I make for that kind of freedom. But I do write nearly all the time: mostly fan stuff but also poetry and original fiction, essays, commentaries, political opinions...diary entries. My online time has been more restricted over the last couple of years. I routinely get up between 5 and 5:30 a.m. to write - that's my me time. I usually write for a solid two hours every day. (Posting is a different thing). Then I leave for work. My evening time is more for catching up and chitchatting, if I have the energy which I frequently don't. I have only limited access during the day and even if I had more, I have very little time.

9. My parents and grandparents are all dead. Kind of a downer fact but it makes sense if you know me at all. My sense of family, my connection to my family, my sibs and especially my mother have defined and shaped me. They still do. My mother died two years ago and I'm still dealing because I lost my very best friend in the world. Some of what you may see in my writing reflects that deep sense of connection I have with my family and the tangled up feelings those relationships creates, even when I'm actually annoyed with them.

10. I can be incredibly generous and incredibly selfish all at the same time. I can be, as someone else once described themselves, both the best good friend and the best bad friend you will ever have. I will do anything for my friends that it's possible to do, except sometimes, I'm incredibly self-involved and will miss the most obvious signs of distress from a friend. I will forget a birthday, forget to answer an email, I will flake at the worst possible time and turn right around and be there when you need me most. I never mean to be callous or oblivious but sometimes I am. Believe me when I say, really? It's never about you.

Also: I think Gordon Lightfoot, Joan Baez, Mark Knoppfler, and Johnny Cash are the best musicians/singers/songwriters to ever grace this earth. But I have Ozomatli and Bare Naked Ladies in my music collection.

And the coda to all this? There's very little about myself that I will not talk about even if no one asks.


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