It's really good to know you're doing fine and so is your grand daughter. You've been in my thoughts, because of your birthday, and I realized how much I missed you being around.
Aww, thanks., Life is good, honestly but I do miss the wonderful insanity of fandom and fans and all the amazing people I've met over the years. (Hugs)
Aren't they though. She's so funny and yes , really constantly amusing. She's such a good baby -- like a magic television good baby. I'm not quite sure she's a real Human Child!
also very well! i've got a good job, and even better, a roomie who can cook! (which is awesome, considering my own cooking... *REALLY SUCKS*, lol.) i do miss reading new fanfic by Maygra :-D but i also understand that sometimes life just happens on 'hang on tight, here we go!' speed.
Still watching Supernatural, raising the grandchild (She's already 1 year old almost! How the heck did that happen?) Still in love with the amazing Becky. Working too many hours but otherwise content.
Just read your post, and these lines made me smile. Thank you. Happy belated birthday :)
Comments 10
It's really good to know you're doing fine and so is your grand daughter. You've been in my thoughts, because of your birthday, and I realized how much I missed you being around.
Just read your post, and these lines made me smile. Thank you. Happy belated birthday :)
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