Title: The Matt Chronicles: Of Girls, Guns and Games
Author: Mayhem
Word Count: 806
Rating: PG
Author Notes: For the Chat Court: you know who you are. Although there's a noticeable lack of Queenie, more boys in drag. Hooray!
Summary: First there's arguing, then there's ice cream, then there're guns and a wig, and maybe a little bit of chaos. But that's kind of his life now.
“Batman is totally the best hero,” Robin is saying, waving his cone around to accentuate his point. “I mean, utility belts. Utility belts!”
“I think I prefer the blue ones, actually,” Artemis says to Kaldur, who appears to be taking mental notes.
“Seven dollars and fifty-four cents,” Matt mumbles towards Wally, who's juggling his ice cream while digging in his pockets.
“How are you liking chocolate chip ice cream?” Megan asks Superboy.
“I thought you'd prefer red?”
“And he has the coolest toys!” Robin continues, then shoves his cone into Chris's hand and retrieves Wally's wallet for him. “Here, seven and change, was it?”
“Thanks, bro!”
“I think I prefer vanilla.”
“But Black Canary is pretty kick-ass, too!”
“Red's too sweet, yellow's not sour enough, and green just tastes like grass.”
“You've got ice cream on your nose.”
“Here's your change.”
“Can he even eat all that?”
“What about purple?”
“She kicks ass in heels. Batman doesn't wear heels.”
“Next time, you should try cookie dough!”
“You'd be surprised what Batman wears.”
“What flavor can I get for you today?”
“Dude, slow down. You'll get-“
“Brain freeze! Ow, ow, ow!”
“There's this flavor called Superman, but it's really just vanilla with food coloring.”
“I think you broke my brain. Seriously. Just, ow.”
“No, purple never tastes like grape, it just tastes like purple.”
“Everybody down!”
Matt blinks, and in the second it takes him to do that, all the chaos disappears. The boy with the sunglasses vaults over the counter and turns Matt to face him, and he doesn't even have time to properly react before the kid's gone and the bell on the door tinkles.
Three men in matching suits, holding guns are entering his shop.
They have guns, Matt thinks. His brain just keeps repeating that, and he can't seem to blink. Except he also thinks, holy shit I'm going to die.
The fear makes his knees tremble, and his voice ends up squeaking out far above his normal range. “What-what do you want?”
One of the men glances over at him. One is guarding the door and the other is examining the interior of the shop. The guy who sees him says, “Shit, guys, wrong store.”
They grumble a bit, but they all leave.
Matt's knees give out, though his head is still spinning.
“Breathe,” someone says, and he looks up to see Artemis crouching in front of him. “It's okay, they're gone. Just breathe.”
He inhales, exhales, inhales, exhales. “What was that? Who were those people?”
“They were...well, we're playing, uh, hide-and-go-seek with them.”
“They have guns!”
“Props,” Wally says breezily. “Not real, no worries. Thanks for not giving us away.”
Matt gets back up, leaning heavily on the counter. Chris snorts laughter, and Robin winces and says, “Sorry, man.”
He glances behind him, at the long mirror that runs behind the counter. He's got on a wig that he's never seen before. It's his color blonde, but shoulder length, and a little bit crooked. “What...?” he starts to ask.
“They know that some of us like ice cream, and I think Supes mentioned something about our ice cream guy last time. So, if you're not a guy....”
“Oh,” says Matt, and slips the wig off his head. But he doesn't let it go, either, clutching it to his chest.
“Yeah, you'd better keep that,” Robin continues, seemingly oblivious. “You know, just in case.”
He nods, and wonders whether he should thank them, or ask them to leave and never ever come back. “Thanks,” he says in the end, because he honestly doesn't think they'd listen if he asked the latter.
“Sure,” Artemis says, and they all gather back around the table.
“That was exciting,” Chris says. “Shame I didn't get a picture.”
“I bet we can make him wear it again, don't you think?”
“You wanna see a convincing crossdresser, I'll come around as Chastity some time.”
“Dude, we could double date. Except a fake date. Well, half-fake. You know, our half, not your half. But-”
“Oh, just shut up already.”
“Don't throw that at me; it's been in your mouth!”
“I'm fond of orange, myself.”
“You know, you might like mint ice cream....”
Matt settles back against the counter. Chris is laughing, and the others are happy, and Wally's coming back up for more ice cream. He looks around at the happy chaos, and wonders if this is his life now. He's pretty sure he wouldn't mind if it were, though, guns, wigs and all.