[Naal hasn't woken up like this in a long time. Slowly drifting into consciousness, through a senseless world of sourceless thought... she can recall such things, but they are only the memories of the dead girl she once was. 'Normal' now was red haze, dark hunger, and the claws of the demon at the gates of her mind, calling her from her sleep to drive it back if she could and preserve for another precious few days what remained of her soul.
This is not normal. The awakening, and everything that follows. An unfamiliar room. Light, bright light, as though she were at the very base of the Pillar, but richer and more intense. Strange clothes. Her body... it is the fingers she notices first, slightly shorter, but soon enough they reach for her face and she finds her piercing gone and, most noticeable of all, her ears are short and rounded. Like a goblin... and the rest too, she will find as she begins to move, is subtly different in build.
It is all utterly beyond her. She could grasp at scraps of explanations; the offer the Jaal'darya had made her mother concerning her, the power of Kharla'ggen, but those errant suspicions are worthless and she knows it. There is nothing even slightly familiar here. This is something beyond her experience. Once she would probably have panicked, but now there is little that can push her to that extreme. She must only decide what to do...
Well. The first thing is to leave. She will need to talk to somebody eventually if she is to figure this out, of course, but better if it is someone that is unaware that she is out of place here, if that is possible. Gather secrets while revealing none, correct the disparity in information. That is the way she has always been taught by her elders. Unlike her home, a look out the window reveals, she is not very far from the ground, and it looks like she can get close enough to safely jump if she climbs out. A bit dangerous, but she can feel her limbs unusually well today.]
Action @ Stevens Road and perhaps further afield
[A girl in a blue dress (the darkest color in her closet) with grass stains on the knees wanders the street, looking around. She's trying to be surreptitious and not obviously a complete newcomer but it's hard to be one with the shadows when it's so bright, and she keeps glancing up at the sun, checking to make sure it still hasn't moved at all in the sky as she walks.]
It really is the surface...