Aug 02, 2008 16:13

So I got bored and made various Doctor Who icons. I don't claim them as masterpieces (hur hur) or anything, but it was fun so here they are. A few from The Sound of The Drums, Utopia, and Last of the Time Lords,  some from Classic Who, some from a DW comic from Doctor Who Magazine, and a couple from Scream of the Shalka. Enjoy!

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art, doctor who, icons

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Comments 22

mimes August 3 2008, 04:23:36 UTC
I don't know as much about Doctor Who as I should, so where's 13-18 from (I only see 18 icons)


mayoroftardtown August 3 2008, 05:16:11 UTC
13-18 are from the comic. I don't know why they're not showing up. D:


mimes August 3 2008, 05:19:26 UTC
hah, sorry to keep bothering, but do you know which ones? The only Doctor Who comics I know are along the lines of this and I don't think they are the same thing.

And they look like fun crack, too.


mayoroftardtown August 3 2008, 05:53:32 UTC
You're not bothering me.

It's actually from Doctor Who Magazine. victoria_wayne sent it to me over AIM, so I think she got it from KomicsLive, but if you want to IM me I'd send it to you.


selenak August 3 2008, 20:17:21 UTC
Snagging the Ten and Yana icon, which is adorable, will credit!


mayoroftardtown August 3 2008, 22:06:21 UTC
Awesome! :)


dirty_smudge August 3 2008, 22:02:38 UTC
I absolutely love 1, 4 and 9 (not taking though - I have a Plus account and my 15 icon spaces are full)


mayoroftardtown August 3 2008, 22:05:52 UTC
Aww. Glad you like them anyway, though!

(Haha that first one is based on a conversation I had with my boyfriend about what a total badass Jon Pertwee was.)


dirty_smudge August 4 2008, 14:58:21 UTC
Decided I need to throw out some of my old icons anyway and took number 8 :)


mayoroftardtown August 4 2008, 23:21:50 UTC
Yay! That face cracks me up.


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