Yes a whole 200 of them
200. My name is:
199. I was born on:
28th January 1988
198. I am a:
196. My eye color is:
195. My shoe size is:
194. My ring size is:
I have no idea
192. My height is:
191. I am allergic to:
cheese and penicillin
190. I live in:
189. The last book I read:
Pride and predjudice
188. My bed is:
a double
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex:
They have dangly bits
186. I am glad I'm my sex because:
girls are good
184. My best friends are:
cathy, john, shell, Danny....the list goes on
181. Three things I can never resist are:
the word free, a good time with friends and a chance for me to be overly dramatic in a performance
179. My favourite pyjamas are:
purple and the comfiest things ever
178. A perfect kiss is:
one that means something
177. The last three albums I bought/downloaded are:
I have no idea
176. Last song that made me cry was:
made me almost cry, Screaming Infidelities - Dashboard Confessional, the lyrics make me think of nasty things
172. My most treasured possession is:
my teddy my gran bought me it when i was a baby it was a cheap and its tatty but its special
170. What did you do last night:
Nothing really
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn):
does neither really, tan a little
-I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe in-
143. Santa:
142. Love at first sight?:
141. Luck?:
140. Fate?:
yeah, well a little
139. God?:
havent sorted that one...not God with a G...maybe god of some kind, just think theres got to be something else
138. Aliens?:
yep i think so
137. Heaven?:
there is a paradise
136. Hell?:
there is torture
135. Ghosts?:
134. Horoscopes?:
no, but i did go through a phase and theyre funny to read
135. soulmates?
-Which is Better?: -
129. Hugs or Kisses:
I dont want to choose
128. Drunk or High:
127. Phone or Online:
126. GIRLS with/without Hats:
um...i dont really have an opinion
125. Blondes or Brunettes:
122. Boys with/without Facial Hair:
depends if it suits them
120. Night or Day:
119. Oranges or Apples:
118. Curly or Straight hair:
-Here's What I Think About. . . -
116. Abortion?:
dependent on the circumstances
110. School?:
had alot of memories for me, education is essential, just wish some kids would pay more attention to it
-Last time I. . . -
104. Took a Shower/bath:
this evening
103. Kissed someone:
sunday night
102. Hugged someone:
Danny at college today
101. Seen someone I haven't seen in a while:
um...i guess tuesday when i went back 2 college, will be tomorrow John home *dances*
99. Grew:
I have no idea
90. The diztiest person I know:
possibly Kel or a girl in my theatre class
89. The one person who makes me laugh the most is:
Si probably
87. One thing I'm pissed about right now is:
83. The last movie I saw in the theater was:
The producers
82. The thing I don't understand is:
people who have nothing else better to do than gossip
81. The dumbest thing u have ever said:
there is far too many to go on this list, most recent "oo its mario" when it was blatently sonic
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is:
"oh its nothing"
79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex is:
how much I dont understand them
78. This week I am:
completely unmotivated
77. This winter vacation I am:
Does this mean christmas? Proabably the usual routine, if it means holiday then itll be New York at the end of the month
76. This summer vacation I am:
leaving college, going to magaluf and turkey, hopefully teaching stagecoach again too
75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is:
the dog
-The thing that I'm looking forward to the most about. . . -
73. Tomorrow:
Seeing John
72. Today:
71. Next Summer:
70. Next Week:
nothing as of yet
67. People call me:
Cass, Cassy, Cassykins and Rachael
66. The person who I talk to the most on the phone is:
64. The person I have been friends with the longest is:
Prolly Danny/Nixy/Beke/Cathy
63. The person who is my best girl-friend:
62. The person who knows the most about me is:
61. The person who can read me the best is:
60. The most difficult thing to do is?:
Make everyone happy
59. I have/have not gotten a speeding ticket:
dont drive
58. I have the following siblings:
57. My favorite people are:
There are lots
56. My zodiac sign is:
55. The first person I thought/think I was/am in love with was/is:
Siggy, a case of mega puppy love, first proper Aaron
53. The one person who can't hide things from me:
Alot of people, particuarly Cathy
52. The person I find myself spilling my guts to is:
Cathy, Nixily
51. Right now I am talking to:
myself, was Luke until a few minutes ago
48. I have a job at:
Martins newsagents, anyone who knows of a beter job please tell me
47. I have these pets:
a dog, fish
46. I wish I was:
45. The worst sound in the world:
nails on blackboard, vomiting
44. The person that makes me cry the most is:
I dont think its particularly one individual over everyone else.
43. The best shoulder to cry on is:
Cathy/Nix, I know she will always be there for me no matter how long its been since we last saw each other.
41. I almost died when:
My brother hit me over the head with a hammer
39. My boy/girlfriend is:
i dont have one :(
34. My favorite state?:
drunk? it shall shortly be NY as itll be the only state ive been too
33. My favorite piece of clothing is:
erm, possibly my jeans
32. My favorite sport to play is:
dance is a sport...right?
30. The last time I cried was:
on mark think it was just after christmas
29. What am i wearing right now is:
pale very scruffy jeans, pink hello kitty t-shirt and a black jacket
28. The school I went/go to is:
27. The last person I got pissed off at was:
my cousin
26. My worst drinking experience was:
when I was 14 down the boulavard I drank too much cider, came onto someone in the cleveland centre toilets, got hid in a bush from the police, puked on Suzi, got chatted up by a black guy apparently and spent alot of the time crying when i started to sober up
24. The last movie I watched was:
The Producers
22. The all-time best movie is:
I have a few faves including fight club and the rocky horror show
21. The all-time best thing in the world is:
19. The most annoying thing ever is:
being confused
17. I lose all respect for people who:
make judgements based on nothing, liars and cheats
16. The movies I have cried at are:
im not owning up to this heh
11. The worst pain I was ever in was:
when my chest first started fucking up, ive gotten used to it now and its not as bad as it was heh
10. My favorite phrases:
"dont dream it, be it", "you shall bring me a shrubbery" etc
9. My room is full of:
random shite
8. My favorite celebrity is:
Jonny Depp
6. My downfall is?:
too trusting/too gullable
5. My weakness is?:
4. What turns me on is?:
youll just have to find that one out ;)
3. I want this to end because?:
Its far far too long
2. I filled out 200 questions because?:
I was bored
1. Was it fun?:
not really