[a letter! for you!]

Oct 07, 2012 19:25

ONE: thank you thank you thank you.

TWO: (If you have questions about the things I dig, tangleofthorns doesn't know that she's totally available to answer them. But she is. If she doesn't know, she can totally get me to spill the beans on something without even letting on that she's trying to grill me for info. mmm, grilling. Now I want grilled peaches.)

THREE: (a couple of fandom-specific things, but not much in the way of specifics)

x. The Good Wife
I just really love both Kalinda and Diane, so anything about them would float my boat (as they say).

x. Legend of Korra
I'd love something that goes more into bender privilege--maybe playing around with Lin not getting her bending back at the end? maybe not playing around with that at all?--than the series really did. I'd also just love something hot and fast in the back of a Satomobile. So yeah. Again with the "I just love these characters," basically.

x. Elementary, Joan Watson/OFC (feel free to crossover with another show--Castle, White Collar, L&O, Person of Interest, etc.--or a movie (Avengers?)! I just want all of the Joan Watson)
Or: my crack pairing, basically. hmm. I'm relatively well-versed in your generic procedurals,* so feel free to go wild--just please make the focus Joan and not, you know, the other character. JOAN.

*&, seriously, I often read fic featuring a character I don't know as original person fic (though if you're really stressed, feel free to contact my above-mentioned tangleofthorns for confirmation that you're looking to write a character I know).

x. Scott & Bailey, Gill/Rachel, Gill/Janet, Gill/Rachel/Janet
My favorite strong lady cops show. I love all of these women, and I love how they are strong and smart and stupid and fail-y, so competent in their jobs and, well, you know the drill. Any one of these combinations would thrill me--the world just needs more fic about them. Full stop.

x. Hockey RPF, Cassie Campbell/Angela Ruggiero
USA. Canada. Hockey. They battled each other for years. Give me 18 year old Angela and older Cassie hate-hooking up. Give me retired Cassie and Angela falling into something all these years later. Give me long turn relationships or quick and fast in an Olympic dorm room or anything in between.

FOUR: Seriously, did I say thank you in advance for writing for me?

Things I dig: AUs, non-AUs, happy endings when they're earned. long plotty fic, short pwps, anything in between. polyamory, asexual relationships, sexual relationships, hand holding, casual hookups, serious relationships. experimentations with tense, form, pov, etc.
Things I do not dig: non-con, cheating, forced happy endings that feel tacked on at the end (I'd honestly rather the sad ending), pregnancy (and babies and precocious littles, etc.) in fic. Also I have a decent sized embarrassment squick--fair warning.

SIX: (more gratitude)

This entry also lives at Dreamwidth. Comment here, comment there, comment anywhere. I'm partial to Pony Express.

fandom:femslash12, fandom:ficathons

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