Today's post is going to be really short...
Day 16 - Favorite Kisumai solo
It's got to be Mitsu's Chikara~
For cover songs I also like Tai-chan singing "Ne Ganbaru Yo" and Mitsu singing "Kizuna".
I still don't really see the appeal in Tama-chan's voice... I personally don't like it... And I wish Watta, Nika, and Miyacchi got more solo parts... *crosses her fingers about the near future*
So today's performance was actually a flashmob~ So much fun! 4 different local studios/dance teams and some theater people and musicians getting together to make magic through dance. :D If you don't know what a flashmob is, it's basically when a person starts dancing to a song in a public place and people who you thought were just normal spectators join in and start dancing the same choreography. So cool~ When the audience caught on, a lot of phones and cameras came out. XD
We're supposed to blast Youtube and stuff with videos of it to publicize the mall. It's like we shot a commercial for them... And what did we get paid? Pizza... LOL. My mom, dad, and brother ALL filmed. With 3 different cameras.. LOL. I've only had time to upload 1 so far. XD
Anyways, here's a video of it. I suggest you watch! It's Kind of neat. :D
Flashmob at Windward Mall (Kaneohe, Honolulu) on 2011.03.19 to Katy Perry's "Fireworks". (I actually don't like this song because it's over-played but whatever... LOL)
Click to view
I made it before midnight! :D