Name/nickname: Lilli
Age: Twenty
Likes: Everything
Hates: INSECTS. AND CUCUMBERS. I do like pickles, though...
Hobbies (what you do for fun): Sing, read, act, dance, be a spaz, spaz some more, love vuvuzelas more than is healthy, tumblr, twitter, more spazzing, etc., etc.
Motto/Statement/Belief There's no time for misery, I won't feel sorry for me.
Favorite book and movie: Book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Movie: Napoleon Dynamite.
Favorite color: PURPLE! (And yellow. And pink. And blue. And green.)
Favorite food: Pizza omg
Things you like about yourself: I can take charge of a situation if I have to.
Things you don't like about yourself: I'm waaaaaaaay too hyper sometimes. And I procrastinate like nobody's business. Oh, and I have like, zero attention span.
What are your future goals? Be successful in a job that I enjoy doing.
Are you...
optimistic or pessimistic?: Optimistic
impulsive or cautious?: Impulsive
hyper or calm?: Hyper
mature or immature?: Immature
kind or naughty?: Kind
touchy feely or not?: Touchy feely
a leader or a follower?: Leader
If you had to leave for an long trip in five minutes, what would you grab? iPod, phone, Nintendo DSi, laptop, necessary chargers, camera, my stuffed dog ;o;. OH, AND LOTS OF CLOTHES. :D
An anti does something/sends you hate messages. What do you do? Delete them
If you could be in a movie, what kind of movie would you choose?: COMEDY. :D
Fav MBLAQ song: G.O.O.D. Luv
Fav MBLAQ music video: Y
Fav MBLAQ look (ie Oh Yeah, GOOD L.U.V, more to come :) Y, but I liked Mir's and Joon's hair for Oh Yeah.
Fav MBLAQ pairing and why: Joonmi! They are so cute together, idek.
Congrats, you've been recruited by JT Camp!
What is your talent? Singing
What would your image be? (ie: cute magnae, confident leader, older sister/brother, band mom, skank, funky, innocent/angel): I'd probably be the cute maknae. In appearance, at least.
They've asked one of the MBLAQ boys to help you train, which one would it be and why? Please oh please ^_^ be specific: I want to say Mir, cause he's my bias, but I'll go with G.O. Because he's a vocalist, and he is very talented.
Uh oh, looks like JT Camp can't afford any more dorms D: which MBLAQ member would you room with (or perhaps not room with) and why? (please refrain from too much you know what:) GOD. Okay. Mir. Duh. Why? Because he and I would get along so well and probably not even sleep cause we'd be too busy causing a ruckus and making the other members tell us to stfu and go to sleep.
JT Camp decides a scandal would be good for business. Who/what would you be involved with?: WHY ARE THERE SO MANY QUESTIONS I WANT TO PUT MY BIAS DOWN FOR? ;~~~; Um...someone from another company...KIM HEECHUL. YES. :D