Hi! :D
THEME : Tiny Text
Use it as a decoration or use it under a word. Be creative and be wild, but please keep the Tiny Text illegible and be seen in your icon.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask :)
• Members may submit up to 3 icons.
• Icons must meet LJ requirements (100x100 max, 40KB max, PNG, JPG or GIF)
• You may only use official images, no fanart/doujinshi/cosplay images are alowed.
• You are not allowed to advertise your icon(s) until the winners have been announced.
• Please submit in the following format :
http://i39.tinypic.com/2m2cbwo.pngCharacter/Series: Tidus/Final Fantasy X
You have until Friday, 28 August at 9.00 PM (UTC +7) to submit for this week. So, happy icon making!
Also, don't forget to vote for
Week 07!
# If you're not sure who's the main characters or who's not, just
google it or check it over at
# Have any suggestion? Please drop your ideas