this post.
❖ indicates explicit content.
✘ indicates potentially triggering content.
most recent update: 8/21/11
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugust JANUARY
1/1/11 ❖ Bifrons has returned. So has Cefca.
1/2/11 ❖ Eames visits Bifrons at the office. Midas is unsettled.
1/9/11 ❖ A business deal has gone sour for Bifrons. Kyron and Reaper spend time together again.
1/12/11 ❖ Auster meets a werewolf pup. Bifrons shows Eames the city lights.
1/14/11 ❖ A ghost visits CioCio. Bifrons unsuccessfully tries to tease Eames.
1/15/11 ❖ Buer is being hunted. Bifrons, for once, has hit a stroke of luck.
1/16/11 ❖ Eames is teased. Buer's negotations have failed.
1/17/11 ❖ Buer sticks around a while longer. Azazel is antagonized by a puppy.
1/18/11 ❖ Ariadne meets the youngest brother. Bifrons is interviewed.
1/20/11 ❖ The twins educate Thoth. Rhunis bonds with the lion cub.
1/21/11 ❖ Buer has managed to fix things. Bifrons has been educating himself.
1/22/11 ❖ Demyx has reset himself.
1/24/11 ❖ Buster is taking on more than he can bear. An attempt is made on Ridley's life.
1/25/11 ❖ Bifrons takes Eames out. He manages not to embarrass himself too much.
1/26/11 ❖ Buster and Bliss are in trouble. So is Bifrons, but of a much less serious sort.
1/27/11 ❖ Buster still hasn't shown up. Kyron jumps his boyfriend.
1/28/11 ❖ The twins warn Thoth, and Buer tells Ariadne about the wren. Xion encounters Quenby and spends time with Mr. R, and Fenrir strikes a contract with Orion. (Also,
Famine is moe.)
1/29/11 ❖ Bifrons has been drinking. He fails at being a flirt.
1/30/11 ❖ Mr. R finally sees his lover again. Bifrons's insecurities have returned.
1/31/11 ❖ Bifrons gets himself onto Ariadne's shitlist. Thoth is visited by the eagle.
2/2/11 ❖ An unexpected guest shows up at the gala. Eames finishes his business with him.
2/4/11 ❖ Auster is given a cat. Faolun and Zelus play with each other.
2/6/11 ❖ Eames receives the ichor treatment. Saïx learns about motorboating. (Not really.)
2/7/11 ❖ Ariadne checks up on Buster. Bifrons looks after Eames.
2/8/11 ❖ Bifrons does not have the best judgment. Buster is at a complete loss.
2/9/11 ❖ Dawn meets a psychiatrist, and then an elf. She also learns about archery.
2/10/11 ❖ Eames receives another job offer. Bifrons is impatient.
2/12/11 ❖ A fey hunter and fey cross paths.
2/13/11 ❖ Buer negotiates with Thoth concerning Bliss's fate.
2/14/11 ❖ Auster indulges his cat. Buer indulges Ariadne.
2/15/11 ❖ Eames meets with the extractors. Bifrons catches up on his sleep.
2/16/11 ❖ Dawn meets her new friends again. Bifrons has learned of Bliss's recovery.
2/18/11 ❖ Buer is worried. Bifrons is curious.
2/21/11 ❖ The extractors try to contact Eames again. Bifrons feels like experimenting.
2/22/11 ❖ Buer is shaken. Eames makes a discovery.
2/25/11 ❖ Dawn meets the cybernetic dog. Bifrons has a dream.
2/26/11 ❖ Elijah befriends a werewolf. Others aren't happy about it.
2/27/11 ❖ Buer teaches Ariadne more magic. Eames is in the papers again.
3/3/11 ❖ Eames takes Bifrons to Vegas. Auster's cat endears herself.
3/4/11 ❖ Angela takes care of her egg. Eames and Bifrons make a discovery.
3/5/11 ❖ Eames and bifrons have an impromptu honeymoon.
3/6/11 ❖ Elijah and Hadyn discuss the times. Rhunis is moping.
3/8/11 ❖ Bifrons is taking another day off.
3/9/11 ❖ Bifrons actually goes back to work. He wishes he hadn't.
3/10/11 ❖ Bliss makes an offer. Bifrons's troubles are more serious than they first seemed.
3/12/11 ❖ Bifrons has a press conference. Eames is questioned by the police.
3/14/11 ❖ An incident occurs at Janvs.
3/15/11 ❖ Bifrons is awake.
3/16/11 ❖ Bifrons continues to recover.
3/18/11 ❖ Bifrons is a poor patient.
3/22/11 ❖ Bifrons receives an unusual get well present.
3/26/11 ❖ Shandel prepares for a mission. Ariadne is worried.
3/28/11 ❖ Eames meets one of Bifrons's exes. The Bliss House has been robbed.
3/30/11 ❖ Azazel has found out what happened. He isn't happy about it.
4/1/11 ❖ Shandel shares the spoils of his bounty with Mirrorcoy.
4/6/11 ❖ Bifrons has gone into hiding.
4/9/11 ❖ Azazel returns Bifrons to his husband.
4/11/11 ❖ Mirrorcoy spies on Shandel's secret project.
4/14/11 ❖ Angela's egg finally hatches.
4/16/11 ❖ Shandel's secret project spies on Mirrorcoy.
4/18/11 ❖ Ose hides in Mirrorcoy's lab. He raises his concerns to the superior.
4/19/11 ❖ Buer cuddles with his babies. (That's it.)
4/21/11 ❖ Paimon makes an unexpected appearance.
4/24/11 ❖ Paimon recovers. Ose bonds with Mirrorcoy.
4/26/11 ❖ Estara goes out for recruitment. Ose has hallucinations, and later meets Xion.
4/27/11 ❖ Elijah meets a vampire, and also finds a place to stay. (Also,
Elijah is easily antagonized.)
4/28/11 ❖ Elijah tries to catch up on his sleep. He doesn't entirely succeed.
4/29/11 ❖ Elijah has to break up a fight. He also learns about vampire blood.
4/30/11 ❖ Ose needs maintenance. Daniel has gotten himself stuck in a ward.
5/1/11 ❖ Elijah settles in. He and Daniel are interrupted by Hadyn and Geir.
5/2/11 ❖ The house is under lockdown. Elijah goes after Daniel.
5/3/11 ❖ Daniel recovers. Geir explores the house.
5/4/11 ❖ Geir explores the city, and Elijah investigates the mausoleum. A vampire antagonizes another vampire.
5/5/11 ❖ Elijah and Daniel spend time together.
5/6/11 ❖ Elijah tracks a Hunter. Dorian tries to teach Lawrence about doors.
5/7/11 ❖ Elijah and Daniel experiment.
5/8/11 ❖ Elijah works on his wards. Hadyn tries to take care of Geir.
5/10/11 ❖ Geir explores some more. He makes more than one unexpected discovery.
5/11/11 ❖ Hadyn takes Geir out.
5/12/11 ❖ Elijah finishes up with his ward.
5/13/11 ❖ Geir and Elijah ward the house. Buer makes Reaper paranoid, and Bones applies for a job.
5/14/11 ❖ Elijah chats with Hadyn. She and Geir reconcile, and he trains her in self-defense.
5/15/11 ❖ Elijah has a nightmare.
5/16/11 ❖ Geir takes Hadyn's maidenhood. Elijah attempts to reclaim his masculinity.
5/17/11 ❖ Geir shows Hadyn his grimoire. Later, he makes another unexpected discovery.
5/19/11 ❖ Elijah does more investigating. Hadyn takes the boys shopping.
5/21/11 ❖ Elijah is forced to come to terms with things.
5/22/11 ❖ Buer makes an offer. Elijah and Daniel make preparations.
5/23/11 ❖ Hadyn and Geir make good use of their time. Elijah receives the ichor treatment.
5/24/11 ❖ Elijah recovers. Daniel explains the situation to the others.
5/25/11 ❖ Daniel tells Elijah more about himself.
5/26/11 ❖ The boys raid the Hunter hideaway.
5/27/11 ❖ Xavier and Nate fool around.
5/28/11 ❖ A campsite is found. Elijah and Daniel christen their tent.
5/29/11 ❖ Hadyn still isn't feeling well. Geir tries to take care of her.
5/30/11 ❖ Elijah and Daniel study the Hunters' documents. Geir and Hadyn make better use of their time.
5/31/11 ❖ Elijah and Daniel fool around in the woods.
6/1/11 ❖ Hadyn discovers the truth.
6/5/11 ❖ Erlu returns with results. Elijah meets one of Daniel's friends.
6/6/11 ❖ The group moves into their new hideaway.
6/7/11 ❖ Geir investigates the new surroundings.
6/8/11 ❖ Elijah makes an airglass.
6/11/11 ❖ Elijah and Hadyn have a talk.
6/12/11 ❖ Daniel and Elijah go hunting.
6/13/11 ❖ Daniel feeds. Hadyn is exploring in the forest.
6/14/11 ❖ Elijah plans a hunt.
6/15/11 ❖ Geir tries to comfort Hadyn.
6/16/11 ❖ Geir and Hadyn go on a picnic. Elijah and Daniel take advantage of the empty house.
6/17/11 ❖ Elijah and Daniel narrowly avoid being caught.
6/18/11 ❖ Hadyn has another talk with Elijah.
6/19/11 ❖ Hadyn talks with Geir again.
6/20/11 ❖ Elijah and Daniel experiment.
6/22/11 ❖ Elijah and Daniel spend even more time boning together.
6/23/11 ❖ The pirate and cowboy resume their business.
6/24/11 ❖ Ben and Angelica get to know each other a bit more.
6/25/11 ❖ Ben shows off his shooting.
6/26/11 ❖ Angelica has gone shopping.
6/27/11 ❖ Buer steps in.
6/28/11 ❖ Ben and Angelica spend yet another night together.
6/29/11 ❖ Ben tries to help Angelica recover.
7/3/11 ❖ It's Ben's turn to be ill.
7/4/11 ❖ Ben meets another pirate. Elijah is suffering from nostalgia.
7/5/11 ❖ Geir is worried. Elijah spends more time with Daniel.
7/6/11 ❖ Angelica takes care of Ben.
7/7/11 ❖ Ben is finally recovering. Bifrons gives Eames his birthday present.
7/8/11 ❖ Ben and Angelica move out.
7/9/11 ❖ Ben tries to scout. He ends up being distracted.
7/11/11 ❖ Elijah worries over Daniel.
7/12/11 ❖ Dawn gets to spend more time with Dr. Crane.
7/13/11 ❖ Crane tries to adjust.
7/15/11 ❖ Dawn takes a trip to Lorentia.
7/16/11 ❖ Dawn and Crane have a talk.
7/17/11 ❖ Ben and Angelica try to make plans. They get distracted instead.
7/18/11 ❖ Dawn and Crane try to make plans. They also get distracted.
7/20/11 ❖ Dawn takes Crane to Anchor.
7/21/11 ❖ Crane answer's Bliss's summons.
7/22/11 ❖ Ben has gotten himself caught.
7/23/11 ❖ Dawn worries.
7/24/11 ❖ Kyron antagonizes a gang member. He also finally gets around to pranking Auster. (Also,
Orion is not Starfleet.)
7/25/11 ❖ Ben is fussing. Bones is finally put to work.
7/26/11 ❖ Kyron suffers the consequences of his prank. Bones tries to deal with Auster.
7/27/11 ❖ Kyron continues to explore the Mojave Wastes. Ben has a present for Angelica.
7/28/11 ❖ Auster has been dumped. Bones takes him to visit Artemis and her daughter.
7/29/11 ❖ Bones takes care of Auster. Kyron collects more animals for the bestiary.
7/30/11 ❖ Kyron goes in for radiation treatment, and Bones confronts Auster again. Jim and Xion visit Artemis and her daughter.
7/31/11 ❖ A dragon finds himself lost. Bones's marriage has ended.
8/1/11 ❖ Brist helps Qiirqa find his way home.
8/2/11 ❖ Reaper is sent on a mission. Jim looks into Shandel's history.
8/3/11 ❖ Auster unwinds with Bones. Mirrorcoy is cute with Ose.
8/4/11 ❖ Auster and Bones take the day off, and Kyron and Reaper unwind with their brood. Dawn tries something new.
8/5/11 ❖ Qiirqa has found someone to aid Brist.
8/6/11 ❖ Kyron and Reaper are sent on a mission. Auster is losing his grip again.
8/7/11 ❖ Auster makes it up to Bones. The basilisk babies adjust to their new home.
8/8/11 ❖ The Byrne Agency has contracted Orion yet again. Kyron helps Reaper relax afterwards.
8/9/11 ❖ Reaper meets with the head of the Byrne Agency. Dawn has disappeared.
8/10/11 ❖ Bifrons recovers, as does Dawn. Auster is troubled yet again.
8/11/11 ❖ Buer gets into a fight with an old acquaintance.
8/12/11 ❖ Ben and Angelica try something new. Saïx and Gabranth try to face their issues.
8/13/11 ❖ Brist has resumed hoarding.
8/14/11 ❖ Brist has her first encounter with shifters. Dawn gets a new di-comm.
8/15/11 ❖ Reaper tries to comfort Auster. Bones does a better job of it.
8/16/11 ❖ Dawn shows Crane around Lorentia.
8/17/11 ❖ Crane tries to reason with the dog. Ben has gotten himself caught again.