Dear Joe

Jan 16, 2007 21:00

Once upon a time...Spoilers under the cut

...while forming ideas about a new TV show called Stargate Atlantis, some writers thought it would be cool to have a mature woman running the aforementioned Atlantis, because “you know dude. That would be, like, cool.” They also planned to have their male lead character in conflict with the female character because then they might be able to exorcise their mother issues.

So they wrote a character called Elizabeth Weir, made her in her late 30s.

But they forgot they lacked the ability to get into any character’s shoes that didn’t relate directly to any life experience they had. Since, life experience to them consisted of being men, and young men at that, it meant that the only characters they were able to write consistently were young men.

Certainly not women in their late 30s. Especially as the actress contracted to play Elizabeth Weir showed a potential in depth and range in acting that would allow this character to develop. In addition, unfortunately her chemistry with the male lead did not result in the expected conflict.

So the character languished until finally and perhaps because her presence actually highlighted the lack in their writing ability, they decided to reduce her role to a state where they might be able to comfortably handle it. And thus it was so.

Young men also like… explosions. They like hot girls and breasts. Even the hot girl they put into the show however, proved a challenge, as the writers discovered beyond looking at the hot girl they really didn’t have much of a clue how to write her either. But that was okay, because being the hot girl didn’t (a) expose their lack of talent and (b) but hot girls that stand around being hot don’t prove threatening to their view of the world.

And you’re telling me that I don’t know anything Joe? Well, actually I do. And thank god I didn’t waste my money on Atlantis DVDs.
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