...and the death as well, sadly. It looks like this is the bitter end to the beautiful friendship that could've blossomed between Alyssa and I. In any event, it's probably best this way. We were from two different worlds, her from Venus and I from Mars. It never could've worked out.
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:35:37 AM): hey
Aaronboyd2 (11:35:41 AM): Yo!
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:35:52 AM): whud up doe??
Aaronboyd2 (11:36:47 AM): Human sufferig and the stock market.
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:36:59 AM): y r u always so wierd
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:37:01 AM): ??
Aaronboyd2 (11:37:28 AM): y r u 2 lazy 2 type out the extra 2 letters?
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:37:53 AM): cuz i dont want to y do u care
Aaronboyd2 (11:38:36 AM): y do u care if i'm weird (i before e except after c)??
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:38:56 AM): mm kay.. cuz its like annoying
Aaronboyd2 (11:39:55 AM): Right, but you talk like a fucking retard.
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:40:05 AM): really how??
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:40:41 AM): i dont even no u
Aaronboyd2 (11:40:59 AM): You misspell half the words you use and are too lazy to type out the one or two extra letters in "you", "are" or "why".
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:41:23 AM): sooo
Aaronboyd2 (11:41:24 AM): You just misspelled "know". That's a damned second-grade word
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:41:37 AM): oo that must make me a horrible person
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:41:42 AM): OMG!!!!!!!!!~!
Aaronboyd2 (11:42:16 AM): Now come on, I didn't say that
Aaronboyd2 (11:42:22 AM): I just said you were stupid.
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:42:41 AM): lol okay..
Aaronboyd2 (11:42:45 AM): Which is true, unless for some reason the way you act in real life is the polar opposite of how you talk online.
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:42:50 AM): a lil bit gay.. but that all good
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:43:17 AM): nope sry its not
Aaronboyd2 (11:43:23 AM): I figured.
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:43:37 AM): and one more thing.. look at ur icon.. now whos the stupid one??
Aaronboyd2 (11:44:50 AM): Huh?
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:45:05 AM): LOOK AT UR ICON
Aaronboyd2 (11:45:16 AM): You're judging my intelligence by an icon that I intentionally picked out because it was, in fact, stupid?
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:45:25 AM): OO REAL COOL NOW
Aaronboyd2 (11:45:29 AM): You, on the other hand, are misspelling four-letter words.
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:45:52 AM): RETARD
Aaronboyd2 (11:46:04 AM): So you're lazy and stupid?
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:46:15 AM): shure y not
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:46:38 AM): n ur a lil fag for u gay icon and putting people down
Aaronboyd2 (11:46:41 AM): Alright, you just misspelled "sure", and you added a letter.
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:47:09 AM): uhhh so
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:47:27 AM): so ur judging me by how i spell
Aaronboyd2 (11:47:41 AM): Well, like I said
Aaronboyd2 (11:47:51 AM): I ain't seeing much depth here.
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:48:16 AM): lmao but human sacrifice or w/e the hell u said is much more depth
Aaronboyd2 (11:48:21 AM): Unless you have all these deep views in real life about the nature of God and Man, which you probably don't.
Aaronboyd2 (11:48:41 AM): But human suffering IS up, and so is the Dow.
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:48:46 AM): oommmggg ur a lil bit gay dont u think
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:49:18 AM): oo yea and god and man sure love u for ur human sufferings
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:49:19 AM): fag
Aaronboyd2 (11:49:47 AM): I just IMed God.
Aaronboyd2 (11:49:57 AM): He told me to tell you you're a fag right back.
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:50:03 AM): what the hell
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:50:16 AM): mmmm okay????
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:50:32 AM): how old r u|??
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:50:34 AM): like 8
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:51:13 AM): i have a brother whos 8 n hes not 1/2 as retarded as u r
Aaronboyd2 (11:51:25 AM): Well, if an eight-year old has better spelling and punctuation skills, not to mention coherent sentence structure, then sure, why not?
Aaronboyd2 (11:51:27 AM): Rad!
Aaronboyd2 (11:51:31 AM): We should hang!
Aaronboyd2 (11:51:41 AM): 2 billion man army in china
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:52:21 AM): okay.. uhh my life isnt built around spelling
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:52:24 AM): sooo shut up
Aaronboyd2 (11:53:44 AM): Well conversely, my heterosexuality isn't determined by my buddy icon.
Auto response from LiOnSCuTiE6797 (11:53:44 AM): brb...
Aaronboyd2 dont miss me too much.. ill be back asap!!!~!
Aaronboyd2 (4:49:31 PM): Hi!
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (4:49:40 PM): hey
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (4:50:28 PM): y r u talking to me??
Aaronboyd2 (4:50:38 PM): 'Cause you rock!
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (4:50:44 PM): im too stupid for u human suffering people
Aaronboyd2 (4:51:26 PM): What? Why would you go and say a thing like that now?
Aaronboyd2 (4:51:30 PM): *snuggles*
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (4:52:06 PM): u started it
Aaronboyd2 (4:52:38 PM): Come on, that's in the past
Aaronboyd2 (4:52:42 PM): Hakuna Matata
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (4:52:58 PM): shut the hell up
Aaronboyd2 (4:53:12 PM): Now you're just being callous.
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (4:53:45 PM): buh bie
Aaronboyd2 (5:00:51 PM): Is this....goodbye?
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (5:01:04 PM): mm yu[
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (5:01:12 PM): yup***
Aaronboyd2 (5:02:04 PM): *bloop*
Aaronboyd2 (5:02:12 PM): *power bombs you*
LiOnSCuTiE6797 (5:02:50 PM): okay.. we went through this,, ur gay go to hell