…well, for a while anyway. Here’s what happened:
I had a shit day at work mainly because I was told that the woman I work in my office with, who had been signed off sick for 4 weeks and was due back on Monday, had been signed off for another 2 weeks. I get on really well with her and it is now very unlikely that I will see her again before I go back to uni. Boo. I was therefore in a crap mood when I went to pick up Morgan from Banbury station. I think I scared the hell out of him on the drive to Leicester as, due to my high stress levels, I was driving slightly erratically.
When we got to Leicester and unpacked the car I cooked dinner (we had Phad King, a very nice Thai dish with ginger, chilli and spring onion) and then we went to the Polar Bear to meet Jared. We played pool and drank apple sourz and I got a little tipsy and cheered up a lot.
When we got back I did the funky airbed dance, which consisted of me trying to blow up and airbed with a foot pump whilst trying to keep my balance and grabbing hold of Morgan for support. We then watched a couple of episodes of Hustle, which coincidentally I am writing my dissertation on, and went to bed.
When we eventually got up on Saturday I cooked Morgan a fried breakfast/lunch with French toast - a new concept for him, while I had a nice healthy salad and we watched Mr Deeds, which is apparently his second favourite comedy (I think I’ve got that right). We then realised that the Riverside Festival was in Bede Park after Morgan opened the window and recognised the song that was blaring out so we decided to go along. We saw Debbie there a couple of times and were going to say hello but she kept mysteriously disappearing. I think she must have passed her apparition test!
Afterwards, having had previous conversations about Bill Bailey and cocktails we decided to go to Choices and rent out Bill Bailey: Part Troll and get alcohol from Tesco. I cooked toad in the hole when we got back with chocolate fondue for afters which went down a treat. Then my friend John came round (and ate the leftovers) with Jared and Zura, who I met for the first time and thought was lovely and we had above mentioned cocktails with above mentioned alcohol and I got rather drunk. When everyone had gone we retired to my room and watched Bill Bailey and laughed our arses off, amongst other things, before we fell asleep.
On Sunday we got up very late, just about in time for dinner, and as I couldn’t be bothered to cook a proper meal we decided to just cook some snacky bits and pieces. Halfway through eating I got a phone call from Mike, my best friend Leah’s friend from work who I had never met, to say that they were lost in Leicester (they were coming snowboarding and were staying the night due to the early start in the morning). I spent a very amusing half an hour on the phone being introduced to Mike and directing them from the Pork Pie roundabout to my flat from the comfort of my kitchen with no map and with very useful observations from Mike such as, “We’re passing a bus stop” and occasional comments to Leah along the lines of, “Watch the bloody road woman!”. I was quite impressed with myself that I managed to get them to mine successfully. When they pulled into my road I told Leah to look out for my car and Mike said, “It’s not the little silver one is it?”. When I said it was he cracked up and asked if I needed to put a pound it every time I went out in it cos it looked like a shopping trolley! That was it…I definitely liked him. I was absolutely pissing myself!
We all went to Varsity to meet Faz, Saz and John and so that Leah could have a drink to steady her nerves from the drive and we played pool and Bullshit. Then we came back to my flat and Leah and Mike went to bed ready for the big day on Monday. I however had been drinking Red Bull as I was Des and couldn’t sleep so Morgan and me ended up listening to Weird Al Yanovic songs on my computer for ages before going to bed.
Woohoo - Snowboarding Day! Everyone apart from Morgan was up at half six on Monday morning and traipsing in and out of my room for the shower while he was still trying (and failing) to sleep. Bless! There were five of us snowboarding: Me, Leah, Mike, Richy and John and we went to the Snowdome in two separate cars. I called shotgun in Leah’s car and really thought I was going to die. It wasn’t too bad until she decided she wanted a cigarette on the motorway and decided to light it halfway through changing lanes and left me to take the steering wheel and shout “Brake!” when she tried to hitch a left with the car in front. Her driving calmed down after her cigarette though, thankfully.
We got to the Snowdome and the snowboarding was amazing. I spent a lot of time either on my arse or my hands and knees and banged my head several times but it was all worth it. I am definitely going to go on a regular basis. It was fantastic! We spent the whole day (9-5) learning to snowboard and were absolutely knackered and achy when we got back.
We got Chinese takeaway, for which Kev came over, and then Kev and Richy went home while the rest of us plus Saz went to the open mic night at the Musician to watch Morgan play. I saw Andy at the Musician, who I have only met twice ever but who recognised me and said how nice it was to see me and started chatting. What a nice guy. Then a bit later when he saw Morgan’s arm round me asked if we were a together and said we made a cute couple. Um…awkwardness…but thanks! Everyone came to the front to watch Morgan play and were all clapping (with me and Saz ‘wooing’) as loud as possible. Everyone enjoyed it and Andy came over and said how much he’d improved.
It looked unlikely that anyone could outperform Morgan…that is until Christine came to the stage. Everyone was trying not to laugh but with lines such as, ‘your penthouse magazines going crusty on the floor’ and ‘my rear end is aflame’ everyone was rolling around in silent…and then eventually not so silent fits of laughter. I was crying but Mike’s face was classic. It was hard to tell which was funnier, the performance or Mike’s reaction. Christine was the topic of conversation all the way home.
Thanks to my very exhausting day I didn’t have any trouble falling asleep when we got in, although apparently I was jerking about in my sleep. Makes sense, I was dreaming I was still snowboarding, it was probably me falling over!
The plan was to get up at half 8 but that didn’t really work. I was much too tired and in too much pain from snowboarding to get up. I had a very long lie in until I decided that I had loads of energy and started stretching/dancing/doing yoga to cheesy 80’ music. Leah cooked breakfast for everyone but there wasn’t much left too cook so I had the leftovers from last nights curry. Yum.
After washing up and Morgan packing we left to come back to Banbury, with me being much more relaxed and safe with my driving, listening to really good music on the way. I dropped Morgan off at the train station and then it was back to work for me. Ah well, the weekend had to end sometime, but what a good one it was. I had the most amazing time I have had in a long while!