Overdue post is overdue:
About my character:
Name: Timothy McGee
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Sexual Preference: straight
Special abilities: n/a
Allergies, fears, Achilles heels, and other issues:
Allergies: poison ivy (severe reactions), cats,
Fears: heights, maggots, vicious dogs, failure
Achilles heels: The need to live up to the expectations of others, especially those in authority and those close to him. Abigail Sciuto. His team.
Other issues: Tends to technobabble at times.
My character has canon knowledge of: (Please put a check in the box.)
[ ] The supernatural. (Vampires, demons, witches, angels, ghosts.)
[ ] Evolved humans. (People have enhanced strength, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.)
[ ] Life on other planets. (Aliens!)
[ X ] Advanced technology. (computers/high tech stuff counts, yes?)
[ ] The future.
[ X ] Other. (I will explain in my notes.)
I give other characters in El Dorado permission to:
Injure my character physically...
[ X ] If it’s a minor wound.
[ X ] If it’s a serious wound.
[ X ] Only if they have discussed the extent of the injury with me first.
[ ] As often as you’d like; they’ll heal immediately.
Invade my character’s mind...
[ ] Through persuasion or some other power of suggestion.
[ X ] Via mindreading.
[ ] By manipulating their memories.
[ X ] By erasing their memories. (if done, not permanently, unless related to El Dorado's rules)
[ X ] Only if they have discussed what they plan to do to my character first.
Enter my character’s suite unannounced...
[ X ] Whenever they want. [certain canonmates specifically]
[ X ] If it’s an absolute emergency.
[ X ] If it’s plotted out in advance.
[ X ] If they promise not to take anything.
- Note: Both characters in a suite must have matching options for their room to be enter-able.
Do random things to my character, such as...
[ ] Impersonate them.
[ X ] Detect how they are feeling.
[ X ] Detect whether or not they are being truthful.
[ ] Replicate their ability (if they have one).
[ X ] Have visions/dreams/ideas about things that may happen to them in the future.
[ X ] Expose them to magic - real or otherwise.
[ X ] Abby always has permission to hug.
I would prefer that my character never be involved in scenes that could include...
Nothing comes to mind at the moment. I just like to be in on a general plan if you want to plot with/about/against him. Sex is okay in general but nothing that results in babies without my knowledge. Just. No. McBabies. And I have a personal squick level on certain sex acts though who knows, Tim might not. Hopefully I'll be comfortable enough to tell you NO if things point in that direction. Otherwise fade to black is my BFF.
I would prefer a warning if my character is involved in a scene that could include...
Again just a heads up on a plotline or RP detail, if you don't want to give specifics that's fine. Just "Something big is coming up" would be nice. I like to have some ideas of what he may be getting into... You can tell me, but Tim doesn't have to know until it happens...I try not to use OOC information. If I do, then headslap me.
I have additional information that the other writers should be aware of regarding my character:
Canon knowledge: Timothy has extensive knowledge of computer codes and languages, hell, he's hacked into several government databases in canon, repeatedly. Plus, he spent almost four months with the geeks in the basement of the cyber-unit while the team was broked up in season 6. He learned quite a few tricks there. I'd say he could hack El Dorado but that would be presumptuous of me, wouldn't it?!