I love my secret weapon. Everyone is afraid of this thing. It is very useful on the situation like today, where I chase someone all the way down to their door. This was awesome, but it wasn't so great when I got home... Now, the night is boring...
mchaggisMagic Number16JobSporting GreatPersonalityThe Glass Is Half-EmptyTemperamentWhat You Lookin' At?SexualStraightLikely To WinA Nobel PrizeMe - In A WordUniqueColourBrought to you by MemeJack
So I get up at 10:50 thinking I am the last one to be up. The house sounds very quiet, so I look out the door and notice that I am the first one to be up. I mean, its 11:00! Why did I sleep until this time though?
I did not get my paycheck because they did not give me the paperwork until today.... I will not be seeing mine until two weeks later... Gosh, I ran to the store to get mine today....
I have to work alot this week. I will be working from 5:30 today, 5:30 on Tues., 6:00 on Wed., 5:30 on Fri., and 6:00 on Sat. So I only have brake on Monday and Thursday! This week should be interseting.
I have entered the world of live journal! Thank you, Laura, for giving me the lj code and thank you, Tuna, for informing me about it. Well, this should be interesting!