I hate migraines, I hate sore throats, I hate dry air, I hate my sinuses, and I hate cramps. WAH WAH WAH.
DIMENSIONAL VORTICES FOR THE WIN. No seriously if I knew about them earlier and didn't keep myself in the dark, I probably would've rushed to beat Lavos so I could play. SERIOUSLY. The first set of random dimensional shifts kind of gave me the heebie freaking jeebies. Once-King Dalton? Terrific. The Crono/Lucca/Marle clones? Fantastic. Having to rely on your second-string party members? HOLY SHIT YES.
OKAY SO. While I very much enjoyed the Chrono Cross tie-in even though I hated Chrono Cross and never finished it and NEVER ACTUALLY GOT TO SEE SCHALA AS THE BLONDE TIME DEVOURER but just youtubed it and was relatively underwhelmed? I liked the dream devourer sequence! But that along with the whole Magus amnesia thing kind of. I dunno, it sounded more like a tie-in to Radical Dreamers than Chrono Cross. Maybe that was the point! To kind of WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE at those in the know.
Or perhaps it is a hint at the ELUSIVE CHRONO BREAK. Oh shit, conspiracy theory.
Seriously, though! IT RAISED MY EYEBROW. o_ô, if you will.
Also, the Angel's Tiara is by far the cheapest piece of equipment in the game. EVEN MORE THAN THE ELEMENTAL AEGIS. Seriously, I preferred having a team of CHARLIE'S ANGELS even before that item came into being, and now it's just like. "O HAY LAVOS AYLA OVER HERE IS JUST GONNA RIP YOU APART WITH HER FISTS BEFORE YOU CAN EVEN BLINK and maybe I'll even cast some antipodes over here just to hasten your inevitable death." And the worst part? The worst part? I got two of them in the arena right after hitting the magic level 38. Which means I now have a full party of tiara-wearing fiends.
Seriously. Was that really necessary? As if New Game + weren't enough to make you REDONKULOUSLY POWERFUL?
ps: The Greata Whoreto (SEE WHAT I DID THERE, GUYS? SEE WHAT I DID?) has been scrapped in favor of Taffy. The poor girl needed to be drawn again, for SERIOUS.