SGU/Plunkett and Macleane Fic: Who Needs A White Horse? [G] Young/Rush, Plunkett/Macleane

Nov 18, 2009 23:49

Story Title: Who Needs A White Horse?
Author's Name: mckay_ocd
Rating: G
Pairings: Pre-slash Young/Rush
Summary: Can the crew of the Destiny handle the likes of Plunkett and Macleane?
Disclaimer: I do not own SGU or Plunkett or Macleane. Really wish I could steal Plunkett though or Rush. :)
Totally nemo_r's fault. She made me do it. :P

Destiny was trembling. Alarms sounding as the Stargate started to spin. The exploding liquid blue puddle warped out then snapped back into place.

The event horizon was flickering, Young frowned and tightened the grip he had on his gun. He was sure Rush would have some kind of fancy word for what the gate was doing. Like fluctuating or maybe something to do with energy manipulation. Why the hell was he thinking about what Rush would call the weird behavior of the gate?

“It’s an incoming wormhole” Rush stated with a tinge of disbelief. Young turned to look at the scientist, who was blinking down at the console pushing what seemed like random buttons.

“Incoming? Who would dial Destiny?” Eli squeaked from where he was hiding behind Scott.

“Rush?” Young barked striding over to the console and glaring down at the man.

“It doesn’t have caller ID Colonel” Rush snapped back glaring up at him “I’m just as in the dark as you are”

“Comforting. Isn’t there anything we can do to shield the gate? It looks unstable” Young watched the gate flicker again and quickly made sure his men were covering the gate from a safe distance. There were too many people, civilians, cluttering the gate room.

“Alright! Anyone who doesn’t need to be here, get out!” Young shouted just as a figure jumped through the gate. The man landed carefully then walked forward a few steps just as another man tumbled out of the gate. This one stumbled and looked back at the gate like it had offended him.

The first one through the gate, the taller of the two, seemed to notice the fact that he was surrounded by armed soldiers quite quickly. His friend was too busy spitting insults at the gate and rearranging his leather bag.

Young was surprised by their appearance. It looked like they had stepped out of a period piece. Long worn leather coats that were splattered with mud, boots that had seen a lot of walking and those high collared white shirts that had the billowed sleeves. The taller one had a battered looking three point hat and even though his clothes were just as worn as his friends they looked of a higher quality. His companion had two straps crossed across his chest that held two vintage pistols and a number of metal vials.

“What the bloody hell is a-” The smaller one started. His accent was English, cockney if Young had to guess.

“Plunkett!” The taller one hissed pulling on Plunkett’s sleeve. Plunkett slapped his hand off and looked about ready to chew him out when he too noticed their situation.

The Stargate disconnected behind them and vented. Plunkett jumped and whirled around, a rather wicked looking blade appearing in his hand. Obviously this man had some experience taking care of himself, Young noted. He also seemed to be protective of Macleane, staying close and keeping his friend in his sights.

“Hello! Pleasure I’m sure. Captain James Macleane at your service” Macleane removed his hat with a flourish and bowed slightly.


slash, sgu, young/rush, fic, plunkett and macleane

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