New SGA story: Brainstormed

Jan 18, 2009 21:06

by Kassrachel and SihayaB
Pairings: John/Rodney, Ronon/Jennifer
Approx. 16K words
Rating: adult

Tremendous thanks to lamardeuse and chickwriter for their invaluable beta assistance. Their eagle eyes caught both gaping plot holes as well as typos and copyedits. Gracias, chicas!

John's mind was already made up, but he couldn't resist yanking Rodney's chain a little bit. "Hmm," he said. "A room full of physicists; a long-winded presentation I probably won't understand. Yeah, it doesn't really sound like fun."


genre: episode related, author: kassrachel, author: sihayab, genre: au - alternate universe, rating: r

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