Sep 13, 2011 23:02
Title: Rodney's belly.
Pairing: John/Rodney
Word Count: 380
Rating: PG13. (Contains adult concepts, but I don't think it needs NC17)
Summary: John likes Rodney's belly.
Notes: While sorting through my WIP folder I came across this ficlet, which I must have forgotten to post.
When Major John Sheppard met Dr Rodney McKay, he noticed that the scientist had the most remarkable bright blue eyes. Later, as he got to know Rodney better, he started to notice other things like expressive hands, wide shoulders, strong arms, firm thighs and a perfect heart shaped ass. However it wasn't until he finally had Rodney naked in his bed that he got to appreciate the perfect softness of his belly. It was just the right amount of padding to cuddle up to, without being too soft and flabby. Rodney could never understand why John would spend so much time stroking it, kissing it, resting his head on it. Rodney thought it was just surplus body fat, something he should try to loose.
Rodney was never a model for healthy eating. He was far to fond of junk food from Earth, and always seemed to know how to get hold of his favorite treats. Still, all the exercise off world, running for his life had some effect. The softness of a sedentary lifestyle was slowly replaced by firm muscle. Of course, Rodney never achieved a six pack, but he lost a lot of the soft padding that John loved so much. John tried to convince himself that it was a good thing, but he couldn't help mourning the loss of Rodney's soft belly.
Years passed and John grew older. He was finding it harder to keep up with Ronon on their morning runs. When he saw himself in the mirror now, he wasn't as perfectly toned as he used to be. One evening he was lying in bed with Rodney when he realized that his lover had slithered down the bed and was kissing his stomach, nose almost buried in his belly button.
“Hey Rodney, buddy, what are you doing all the way down there?” he asked, affectionately.
“I like your belly,” Rodney replied, between kisses. “It used to be all hard and uninviting, but now it's all soft and comfy.”
John laughed so hard that he shook Rodney off and they ended up having a pillow fight, but afterwards John let his hands drift over Rodney's body, smiling as he noticed the first signs of the welcome softness that was finally returning to Rodney's belly.
fan fiction - mcshep,
fan fiction - romantic,
fan fiction - sga