Hot DAMN!!!
I have my very own um... whaddyacallit - new theme, maybe? - for my journal.
I'm just beside myself with happiness - and gratitude to Jan
jans_intentions, she who made the color bar JUST FOR ME!, and my dear Kel - who doesn't have an lj anymore - but is still a wizard at working the damned thing.
Anyway, please go see it and tell me what you think...
Comments 6
I'm still just delirious over this. It really doesn't take much to make me happy, but *this*... is just too wonderful!
The lj themes are nice - but I really wanted something of my own. When Jan made the offer about the color bars (and I managed to see it in time to actually get one) and then my darling Kel had time to do the rest... Well, I still just keep staring at it and *smiling*
I've been trying to email you, but they just keep bouncing back at me.
Anyway... Thanks! I'm so happy with this page that Jan and Kel did for me!!! Wheeeee
Hello to Susan, please.
Email me her address for a holiday card, please?
As usual, I LOVE your icon!!
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