My throat still fucking burns and feels like someone slaughtered a cow. Why is this lasting over a week? While being in a sick-like stage I crave wheat. My stomach looks like I'm 2 months pregnant. and damn proud of my soon to be.
no I am not caring a child, I'M CARING 4! mUHAhahahahaha
All I want is some soup, some cornbread and some smoothie. That's all I want. May I please have some. Pretty please. PLEALASLEELE thats all!!! JUST SOME SOUP! SOME SMOOTHIE PLEASWE PLASEEE
I drive to fuck'n Oxnard and dont see turns and stop way fast and karlene flys and hits her head and I dont stop apologizing. And my car lacks of gas and starts stopping on me, miles it seems from gas stations. Pull up to gas station car stops as soon as I pull up. And like Lizzy sleeps.