OMG, I have to do some icons xDD
Last Grey's Anatomy episode was nice.
OMG, finally I can say: IZZIE ROCKS! I hated her (really) in season 3-4, but now she had cut out her space. Alex is really childish: I don't like him, and I'm totally on Izzie side.
Cristina is my favourite character on Grey's now. She's absolutely cool and crazy xDD I loved so much the sequences in Dermatology unit.
Callie/Erica = AWESOMENESS. Well, I mean: I really loved Callie, but sometimes Erica pissed me off. But they're totally cute together *__*
I thought Meredith had left behind her mother's ghost, after the urn matter. O___O I wanted to SCREAM when Derek was naked under the bed with that gorgeous smile and she preferred to have a shower O__O I was SHOCKED!
Mark is one of th hottest man EVER.
Best quotes:
Izzie: "Love the outfit."
Callie: "And what if I'm not intot? What--what if--what if I'm horrible at all that stuff. South. Of the border? 'Cause I've never been south of the border with a female. I mean, I--I've never even been over the, uh, Northern Mountains, you know what I'm saying?
Cristina: "There is no mocking in derm. Only warmth and light."
Miranda: "The vah-jay-jay is undiscovered country. It is the Motherland. You've never traveled there. You don't know its customs and ways. Now me,I've always wanted to go to Africa. Uh, but if I go, I'm going to have to learn a few things first. I'm going to have to prepare. I'll need shots, um, bring my own syringes in case something goes wrong, -and--and I'll want to know how to get to the embassy."
Callie: "Erica. Maybe second base, too."
I've watched Smallville, too. Wow. BEST EPISODE EVER.
I mean, FINALLY! Lois loves Clark! And it's obvious he loves her back. They're so sute together. All the truth-text sequence was breath-taking. The final scene in the elevator was hilarious. For a moment I really believed they were going to kiss. ç____ç
Clark is hot is black shirt.
Oliver *________________* He's SEXY. OMG, his smile could kill. Have you seen his face at Clois's engagement news?? xDD
I really, really like Tess. She's mean, beautiful, revengeful. Wow. I'm totally bewitched by her.
As I said, this is the hotness-season.
Best quotes:
Lois: "Clark Kent... Will you marry me?"
Lois: "What about this one, pumpkin?"
Clark: "Anything you want, muffin."
Oliver: "What happened to not being interested in revenge?"
Tess: "This is not revenge. This is just practice. Weak men like you make me stronger."
Crazy man xDD: "Deep down, underneath it all, do you love this man?"
Clark: "Answer the question, Lois. Don't out think it. Just tell the truth."
Crazy man: "Do you love him?"
Lois: "Yes."
Clark: "Lois, are you ok?"
Lois: "I'm not sure."
Lois: "Please. I mean, we do make a good team, but don't let our cover go to that big old head of yours."
Clark: "I didn't."
Lois: "Good."
Clark: "Great."
I'm planning to do a picspam xDD Bye!