Actually, no you're not. O Rh- is the universal donor - niwikki is O-, and while I could receive her blood no problem, she couldn't receive mine without Bad Things happening. There's also the probable issues that would result were she and I to have kids; Rhesus negative mother and Rhesus positive father can lead to nasty complications (especially as I'm almost certainly homozygous Rh+)
Positive is the more common one, partly because it's a dominant allele (so the overwhelming likelihood is that any kids of mine will be O+), but it's the one with antigens that cause Bad Things when a Rh- person is exposed to them.
Next time you watch any show involving an ER, you'll note that they initially dump O Neg into a patient, until they know what that patient's actual type is...
Comments 16
Next time you watch any show involving an ER, you'll note that they initially dump O Neg into a patient, until they know what that patient's actual type is...
I think... I know I'm AB, and I'm almost positive that I'm positive.
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