Today I was looking up something in my old Blurty and decided to read it for a bit and reminice about the good old days (note the sarcasm) then I decided to updatye an update an old survey. If I change an answer, it is corssed out (in most cases), italics is added
-- Name: kostya Konstantin
-- Birthdate: 6/7/87
-- Birthplace: St. Petersburg, Russia
-- Current Location: Natick, MA
-- Eye Color: brown
-- Hair Color: blond dye dark brown
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Gemini
-- Innie or Outtie: innie
-- Your heritage: Russian, half Jewish, quarter Atheist, quarter Orthodox
-- The shoes you wore today: Addidas cross trainers, white different pair though
-- Your eyes: brown, bloodshot
-- Your weakness: too many to list
-- Your fears: dogs, living, parents rejection
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: death something worth being remembered for
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
-- Your most overused phrase on aim: lofl (LO(fucking)L) 0_o
-- Your thoughts first waking up: It's a week day, NOOO!!
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Boobs
-- Your best physical feature: fading tan
-- Your bedtime: 10:00 on school nights
-- Your greatest accomplishment: not killing my self, maturing a bit
-- Your most missed memory: relaxation
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
-- Pepsi or coke: water
-- McDonald's or Burger King: food
-- Single or group dates: not enough data to decide
-- Adidas or Nike: Addidas (damn good running shoes)
-- Chocolate or vanilla: depending on mood
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Tea
-- Bras or Panties: Neither
-----------------DO YOU------------------
-- Smoke: no
-- Cuss: What the Fucking fuck do you fucking think you fucking asshole
-- Take a shower everyday: try to
-- Have a crush(es): yep now it is Fabiola, then it was someone else
-- Who are they: not going to get that all over the net see above
-- Do you think you've been in love?: no how can an inexpericed youth know love?
-- Want to go to college: yes
-- Like high school: no
-- Want to get married: no, not at the moment or in the forseeable future
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yep
-- Believe in yourself: no
-- Get motion sickness: no
-- Think you're attractive: yep ok, that was just a blatant lie, I didn't think so, not do I today
-- Think you're a health freak: no
-- Get along with your parents: no could do better
-- Like thunderstorms: impartial
-- Play an instrument: no
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU--------------
-- Drank alcohol: yep
-- Smoke(d): no
-- Done a drug: only legal and booze
-- Have Sex: no, I'm still a virgin :(
-- Made Out: no yes
-- Go on a date: no yep
-- Go to the mall: no Another answer I have to change because of Fabiola
-- Eaten sushi: no yes
-- Been on stage: no
-- Been dumped: no
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: no
-- Been in love: no see love question above
-- Dyed your hair: yes. not, not since... when did I last dye my hair
-- Stolen anything: a pen a heart
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
-- Flown on a plane: yes
-- Missed school because it was raining?: no
-- Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: not in THAT way, but I think that she knows
-- Cried during a Movie?: yep no
-- Ever thought an animated character was hot?: ROFL, I'm an anime fan, OF COURSE. yes
-- Had an imaginary friend: Yep my only friend until I was 7
-- Been on stage?: yep
-- Cut your hair: Me cut my hair, no
-- Had crush on a teacher?: yep, back in first grade
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: yeah, I took of my sweat shirt in Gym class once (I was wearing a shirt under it, perv) not like they meant it
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yep, not so much the booze but the lack of sleep and food
-- Been caught "doing something": as in slacking off, yes, as well as some other things, not that something, but still an akward moment
-- Been called a tease: no, but I have been (semi-)justly been called a slut
-- Gotten beaten up ?: yep
-- Been in a fight: yep
-- Shoplifted: yep I don't remember ever...
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
-- Age you hope to be married: dunno, probably never will not by choice really
-- Numbers and Names of Children: probably 0, maximum 2
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: I go to town hall with my wife and am registered
-- How do you want to die?: heroically and at once be forgotten
-- What do you want to be when you grow up?: software engineer or web designer sadly I don't know
-- What country would you most like to visit?: Japan
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
I'm too desperate to care we'll just leave it blank
-- Best eye color:
-- Best hair color:
-- Short or long hair:
-- Best height:
-- Best weight:
-- Best first date location:
-- Best first kiss location:
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
-- Number of girlfriends you've had: 0 2
--Number of kisses you've given: 0 How would I count?
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: Is booze 1, bear and wine count as 2, or a shitload of brands alchaholic beverages, in many forms
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 0 too many for my own comfort
-- Number of CDs that I own: couple dozen optic media? count it all?
-- Number of piercings: 0
-- Number of tattoos: 0
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 0, I guess
-- Number of scars on my body: 5 on my legs bellow the knees alone old ones heal, new ones form
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: every thing too much
-- Shampoo: neutral
-- Fav Color: used to be green, now it is black
-- Day/Night: night
-- Summer/Winter: summer
-- Lace or Satin: impartial
-- Fave Cartoon Character: D from Vampire hunter D so many admirable characters
-- Fave Food: Peas (fresh vegetable)
-- Fave Movies: don't know
-- Fave sport: distance running (the only real sport besides role playing and FPS)
-- Fave sports stars: Michael Jordon before he left the Bulls
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
-- Wearing: White kaky skater pants, white sox, grey sweater Covertiy t-shirt, sweat pants, Praha drinking team hoodie
-- Drinking: nothing
-- Thinking about: how I hate myself nothing
-- Listening to: nothing
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
-- Cried: no
-- Worn jeans: yep
-- Met someone new online: just now, and forgot about them no, unless you count forums
-- Done laundry: no
-- Drove a car: yep
-- Talked on the phone: once, with my grandmother to check in with my mother
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
-- Yourself: no
-- Your friends: no they are all fake
-- Santa Claus: no
-- Tooth Fairy: no
-- Destiny/Fate: yep not too much
-- Angels: no
-- Ghosts: no
-- UFO's: no
-- God: no
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
-- Do you ever wish you had another name?: sometimes
-- Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: unfortunately no there is rummor on the internets about some girl by the name of Fabiola
-- Do you like anyone?: yep
-- Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: Carl Fabiola, it is kind of creepy
-- Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Jason
-- Are you close to any family member?: half bro
-- Who do you hang around the most?: myself
-- When have you cried the most: no clue
-- What's the best feeling in the world?: sleep someone caring, not just saying that they care, or even reading, but really carring
-- Worst Feeling?: suicidal urge
-- What time is it now?: 1:35 20:02 Eastern