Title: Elephant Love Medley
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
mcrnutP.O.V: Third, Frank centered
Disclaimer: Not true, never happened
Summary: Love is a many splendored thing.
A/N: This is really silly, you guys ♥
Frank grins and climbs up the last step. "Oh, but love is a many splendored thing, love lifts us up where we belong - " He grabs Gerard's hand between his and pulls him closer "all you need is love." He whispers.
Gerard rolls his eyes, and moves to turn away, running a hand through his hair. "Please, don't start that again."
"All you need is love, all you need is love!" Frank sings, dancing his way around Gerard to face him. "I was made for lovin' you baby, you were made for lovin' me!"
The night air whips Gerard's hair around his face and he hides a smile, leaning against the cold, golden wall behind him. "The only way of lovin' me baby is to pay a lovely fee."
Pushing Gerard up against the wall, making him huff in surprise, Frank touches their noses together, smiling. "Just one night, just one night?"
Gerard lets his lips linger over Frank's for a second before he slides away. "There's no way, 'cause you can't pay."
"In the name of love, one night in the name of love!"
And Frank chases him between columns clad in heavy fabrics, hears him laugh, feels him laugh as they both round a corner and almost runs into each other. Gerard is still laughing when he leans over and places a hand on Frank's chest. "You crazy fool, I won't give in to you."
"Don't.." Frank says, lightly touching Gerard's cheek, letting his fingers slide down along his neck and to his shoulder. "..leave me this way. I can't survive without your sweet love," He lets his thumb graze over Gerard's lower lip slightly. "Oh baby, don't leave me this way."
Shuddering, Gerard swallows and carefully moves away. Frank looks at his skin, it's so beautiful, so, so white, and it emits a pearly glow, making his eyes shine against the moon. Clear and green, clear and green.
"You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs." Gerard sighs, looking out over the the sleeping city, and Frank wonders if he looks sad or just confused.
"I look around me and I see it isn't so, no."
Gerard smiles lopsidedly. "Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs."
"Well what's wrong with that? I'd like to know," Frank moves close, so, so close and Gerard shuts his eyes for a minute. Frank can feel their breath mingling, feel it hot against his skin, before Gerard jerks away and walks over to the elephant's head, exhaling, and rubbing a hand over his face.
"- 'Cause here I go again!" Frank sings out, running over to the edge of the elephant's forehead, lifting his arms up against the deep, blue sky. He ignores Gerard's surprised yell. "Love lifts us up where we belong." He smiles against the wind when he feels Gerard's arms close securely around his middle, keeping him from falling. "Where eagles fly, on a mountain high!"
"Get down!" Gerard says against his neck, but Frank can hear a smile in his voice as he drags him back to safety. "Love makes us act like we are fools." He argues, his arms still loosely circled around Frank's waist. "Throw our lives away for one, happy day."
"We could be heroes!" Frank says, pushing his nose into Gerard's raven hair and running his palms down his back, along his spine. "Just for one day."
Gerard is hesitant when he hugs back, and they breathe together. "Frank.."
"We should be lovers." He whispers, his lips moving over Gerard's jaw.
"We can't do that."
"We should be lovers, and that's a fact."
Gerard's hands are shaky against the nape of Frank's neck and he says, "Nothing will keep us together.." And it sounds effortless and weak. Frank licks under his ear.
"We could steal time, just for one day."
And Gerard's fingers tangle in his hair and they kiss, they kiss and there are fireworks and waves and thunderstorms and Frank holds Gerard's face in his hands, closes his eyes, savors the moment. They kiss and he can feel Gerard's heart giving in, feel the tingle under his skin, and he's in love. He's in love.
For ever and ever.