My pseud 'Rachael Sabotini' is a riff off of
Raphael Sabatini, the author of Scarmouche, Captain Blood, and many other swashbuckling novels, and my lj name 'WickedWords' is both a book about
Curses, Insults, Put-Downs, and Other Formerly Unprintable Terms and a
line of erotica novels I'll leave you to guess which one I pulled off the shelf when I was trying to figure out a name for my lj.
Both names seem too long for email, so I usually go by rache.
1. How long have you been writing fan fiction?
I started writing fan fiction in…1988, I think. I remember that Star Trek: The Next Generation was in its first year, and I was fascinated by the homoerotic undertones of Klingon culture. I'd already read some Star Trek fan fiction by then, and decided to try my hand at writing Worf/Riker slash. The story isn't available on-line, and my personal copy of the zine it was published in was lost a long time ago, yay. It really was just that bad.
2. Have you participated in any other fandoms?
In addition to ST:TNG, I also published zine slash stories about the Man from Uncle, Wiseguy, and the Professionals. I've written Highlander, Sentinel, Phantom Menace, PoTC, and a smattering of mostly gen Harry Potter. I've written a lot of small fandoms, too, and I read more widely that I write. I like to watch a couple of episodes of a show or to look at a few photos of a band or actors that have a lot of fannish attention, so I don't feel totally disconnected from what people are actively talking about. I'm a joiner and I do like to feel part of the crowd.
3. What do you enjoy most about SGA and/or SGA fandom?
I love that anything can happen, both on the show and in the fiction. The fans are great, able to take the most cracktastic ideas and find a way to make it work within the universe setting if that makes them happy. Or they can just bag the whole thing and go for broke, no matter where it takes them. The fans are fun, brilliant, diverse and opinionated, which makes it all terribly exciting. I love the energy it creates.
4. Why did you choose to join Team Angst/Team Romance?
While I consider myself a pretty romantic writer, I'm not very good about getting all of that romance stuff into the text. But I think I do a pretty good job with the pain, and besides, while I was pondering which team I wanted to join, one of my friends pointed out that angst could also mean an opportunity for Hurt/comfort. I have a very hard time at passing that by.
5. Where can interested readers find more of your work?
House o'Fanfic isn't as up-to-date as I'd like, and is missing my most recent SGA stories. Those can be found either through the
fiction tag on my LJ, or through my account on