For the Record

Jun 26, 2007 20:08

Greetings, fellow angsters and public spectators! I am pleased to kick off the show-and-tell round for our wonderful Team Angst, and I look forward to reading the rest of the responses.

1. How long have you been writing fan fiction?

In retrospect, I actually wrote my first fanfic when I was eight (nearly 25 years ago, for those who are curious); I had just finished reading Gone With the Wind, and I just *couldn’t* believe it ended that way! So (like so many before and after me), I found a legal pad and a mechanical pencil and set to work. Many long, convoluted, grammar-abusive pages later I had my "happy ending", though not without a fair helping of angst along the way - even then, I liked my fic to be fraught with peril, challenges, and plenty of dark-night-of-the-soul moments. Of course, at the time I didn't know what "fic" was... Cue my discovery of the internet, and fic as a world-wide smorgasboard phenomenon in the mid-90's, courtesy of con attendance and the wonderful things known as zines. By 1998 I was on-line, lurking on posting boards, mail-lists, and hunting for the ever elusive "archive".

I posted my first fanfic on the web in 1999, and never looked back. Though some periods have seen me more productive than others, I still find the drive to write is strong, and I love fandom for offering a forum for the creative process (and for giving me so many fantastic shows and characters with which to work over the years!).

2. Have you participated in any other fandoms?

Yes, in fact most of my active participation (writing, journaling, meta, etc) has been in other fandoms. I have written in: X-Files, Buffy/Angel the Series, Smallville, Supernatural, and miscellaneous anime fandoms. I tend to be a slasher more than a 'shipper or a writer of gen, but it really depends on the fandom and the characters; I write the pairing I see, be it slash of het, and that character dynamic is what makes the show for me and draws me into a fandom.

3. What do you enjoy most about SGA and/or SGA fandom?

So many things! With regards to the show, I really appreciate the fact that we are given such complex characters that really feel "real"; no one is perfect, everyone has potentially significant and detrimental character flaws, and yet... and yet, they are warm, and likable, and the kind of people you would want defending your galaxy from life-sucking space vampires :) If I have to get more specific, I would sum my SGA-love in one name: Rodney. Brash, impatient, and endearingly heroic in his way, I just adore Dr. McKay.

When it comes to fandom, I can only parrot what so many have said before. What is fantastic about SGA fandom? The sheer level of genius and productivity! Artists, iconers, vidders, meta-analyzers, and writers; truly, it is one of the most all-around superb fandoms I've been lucky enough to find. I am sometimes a bit embarrassed by the excess of fandom riches that SGA seems to hold, but I quickly get over that and just revel in my ability to glut myself on sheer brilliance. I think even Rodney would be forced to compliment fandom, and concede that we rank above the "soft sciences" when it comes to good ideas and flawless execution.

4. Why did you choose to join Team Angst/Team Romance?

While I am definitely a romantic at heart when it comes to my fandoms and my pairings, to me the victory of love is that much sweeter when the road is a bit rocky. Especially when it comes to McKay and Sheppard, two individuals who are prickly and baggage-laden in their own right and facing some form of near-apocalypse on a regular basis, I think that the course of life (and love) would not run smoothly. Of course, in the end there is no doubt that they are together; anything less would be too heart-braking.

5. Where can interested readers find more of your work?

Most of my fic can be found at my fic-journal, hernes_daughter, where it is arranged by fandom in the Memories section. If you're looking to read chronologically, the rough progression is Buffy/Angel, X-Files, Smallville, Anime, Harry Potter, Supernatural, with the SGA snippets having been added fairly late.
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