Questions? About me? Oh, go on then...

Jul 14, 2007 21:39

Hi, I'm Claire and I'll be answering your questions today .

1. How long have you been writing fan fiction?
My very first fanfic was a Battlestar Galactica Apollo/Starbuck story written when I was about seven where they very happily got married and went off to fight Cylons in wedded bliss. So, technically, I guess I could claim I've been writing fanfic for about 24 years now.

The first story online, however, was a Highlander/X-Men Mary Sue thing that I wrote when I was 20. (If I go back and read it now the only thing I seem to do is wince at my lack of being able to punctuate dialogue tags correctly.) I enjoyed writing it, though and still consider actually finishing it one of these days. (It was an arc of stories and I got up to part 4, with part 5 still half written and languishing on my hard drive somewhere.)

2. Have you participated in any other fandoms?
I've been in several fandoms over the years, although the two most prolific have been SGA and Buffy-Angel. I've also played in Highlander, X-Men, X-Files, SG-1, Hercules-Xena, and am the owner of the original series Battlestar Galactica slash list. I also have the dubious honour of being one of two people to have ever written in the Combat Sheep fandom, and apparently the only person to have written Tyler/El Blanco in the Tremors fandom. (And if I'm not the only one to have written Tyler/El Blanco, please point me in the direction because it's kinda lonely being the only one to write porn about a cute guy and a big worm.)

3. What do you enjoy most about SGA and/or SGA fandom?
(xanphibian asked a similar question about fandom as a whole a while back, so I'm totally going to rip some of the things I told her. Because I'm like that.)

I love the people. I love the fact that I can have a conversation with someone and not have to think about the shorthand used, because we all know what SGA and McShep and ZPM mean. I love the fact that I can be having a bad day and I can be cheered up by ringing someone and having three hour conversations on how John and Rodney would get together. (Would it be fast and sudden, in the puddlejumper after a mission because it was close, so close, and John's never going to risk losing Rodney again? Or would it be slow and subtle with Rodney and John both working their way under the other's skin until they're so far in, so far entrenched in each other's lives that no one else has a chance?)

I love the fic and the squee and the vids and the meta and pretty and the shallow and the deep. I love that I don't have to censor myself and that I can talk about the societal implications of slash and how hot David Hewlett's ass is in the same sentence. Hell, for that matter, I love David Hewlett's ass full stop ;)

4. Why did you choose to join Team Angst?
Because as much as I love the happy ending I'm a total angst-puppy at heart. If you look at some of the other fandoms I've been in, that's held up by the pairings I go for: Mulder/Krycek in The X-Files, Methos/Kronos in Highlander. So, yeah, I want the love and the hot sex but I'm also kinda fond of the obstacles and the 'oh my god, you wanted to kill everyone in France so you could rule the world and I had to stop you even though we're really good in bed together!'

I go for either best friend lovin' or enemy lovin', but the underlying tone of both tends to be the 'I love you but I don't want to / can't afford to' angle. I want them to be happy and preferably together (for the best friend side) or wonderfully dysfunctional but having great sex (for the enemy side) at the end of it, but I want them to work for it, dammit! ::grin::

5. Where can interested readers find more of your work?
Well, I'd point to my webpage, only I took everything offline about 5 years ago with the intention of re-designing the page and sticking everything back up, but the fact that I'm procrastination!chick means I still haven't actually done it. However, everything I've written while on LJ can be found in my memories, or there's the one stop shop of Wraithbait for the SGA stuff. There's also the TLC site for the stuff that was co-written with temaris, but I warn you, most of it is the crackiest crack that ever cracked.

And I'll totally shut up now ::grin::
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