Title: Except For A Few Small Bruises
justbreathe80 (
Team: War
Prompt: Swan Song
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Rating: R
Warnings: None
Summary: He'd been living like this long enough to know what being scared felt like, and yet this wasn't like any of that. Rodney hadn't wanted to know so that he could hurt John or laugh at him or pigeon hole him as the bratty rich boy. He'd wanted to know John, and John knew that if he could keep from running, he might finally be free.
Notes: Many, many thanks to
cold_poet, who never fails to come through, and seemed to actually enjoy how rough the draft was that I sent her. *g* Thanks also to
strangecobwebs and
riverlight for reading through and letting me know that you thought I’d hit the mark. And to
busaikko, for kicking me in the right direction when I needed it.
Please note: This story is hosted on a temporary website. If linking to this story please link to this post and not the story itself to ensure you don't end up with broken links after the fest ends. Thank you.
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