1. What was your first fandom? Online, Stargate SG1. Before the internet, as a child, my sister and I would lie in bed at night and make up stories where we were animals in the stories from the Woman's Weekly magazine, which my mum had.
2. How did you get into writing fanfic/creating fanart? I started out reading Sam/Jack, before I knew what slash was, then one day, I clicked on the link to Area52 and the rest is history *g*. I decided one day I could write better than a lot of what I was reading. Arrogant, I know! So I started writing Jack/Daniel and it went on from there!
3. Is SGA your main squeeze, or are you poly-fandom-ous? I've always been serially mono-fannish. From SG1, which lost me after the season that dare not speak it's name, I went to the Sentinel, because there was a lot of crossover between the two fandoms. From there, I got into Numb3rs, then last year, I was home sick and in desperate need of entertainment, so dl'd the first ep of SGA. The rest is history! I've dabbled in other fandoms, but mostly find one is all I have the energy for, especially these days.
4. What makes John and Rodney such an inspiring couple for you? They're so f*cked up! I like that they work better together, though.
5. Who's your favorite, John or Rodney (or both)? How come? John. I have a real thing about flawed heroes, always have done, starting with Chakotay (though I was never into writing Voyager) and you can draw a line from there showing all the characters I've liked best are a particular type.
6. Where can people find more of your work (McShep or otherwise)? My fanfic LJ
alf_fic is the main place for Numb3rs stuff onwards. However, I am hideously disorganised, so stuff is all over the place. I even have a website, which I don't maintain, which is here:
http://andi-fic.me.uk/ 7. Pick a piece/story of yours that stands out for you. Give us links and tell us why! My Kink Big Bang piece from last year, my longest SGA fic to date,
The Slow Seduction of John Sheppard It was hard work, but worth it.
8. Finish this sentence: John and Rodney walk into a bar... on yet another backwater Pegasus planet. It's an ambush by the Genii, but they were expecting that, so Teyla and Ronon had gone ahead with Lorne and the Marines, so they could ambush their ambushers and it all works out OK in the end.
9. What question do you wish we'd asked? Er, nothing I can think of, but feel free to ask me more in the comments!