How long have you been creating fan art or writing fan fiction?
My fourth anniversary is approaching rapidly! My first story was posted 9/6/2006 and since then I've written and posted 155 completed fics (not counting 165 drabbles or my McShep Match story) totaling 950,220 words. If I counted the WIPs I've posted (and will finish), I would have hit my one million words last year. I'm going to do it this year. I know it! :-)
In early 2007, I began compiling Clark/Lex recs by theme, which grew into
I wasn't drawn into the SGA fandom and McShep until the spring of 2008 (thanks to
undermistletoe), but it quickly became my favorite place to be, although I still visit my darling Clark and Lex.
In addition to the writing and recommendations, I've been playing in Photoshop since 2007. I currently have over 1400 icons, banners and covers posted to my Scrapbook on LJ. SGA is where I do most of my creating now, especially with icon contests to keep me inspired.
Erm, you might have noticed I'm a bit of a stats geek. It's a leftover from when I actually worked for a living.
One rule I have in my writing is my OTPs have to end up together in the end. The story may not be light and fluffy, and they may still be a bit broken at the end, but they're together. Yes, I'm an old softie, but my RL sucks hard sometimes, and my fandoms/OTPs are my happy place.
What drew you into fandom in the first place?
Boredom. Gary was off skiing or motorcycling, and I was home playing Mahjongg on my computer. I started surfing the 'net and found stories, although I cannot recall what search string kicked it all off. After a year or so of reading slash across a variety of fandoms, and finding out there were actually authors in my age bracket (49 back then), I finally bit the bullet and created my own LJ with the intention of commenting on my favorites and attempting to write my own.
Best thing about SGA fandom: go!
It's still so vibrant and active in a closed canon, and I'm happy that I can be part of it. I can't speak to the rest of SV, but the Clark/Lex segment is not quite as lively these days, although it's still there. :-)
Are you a fandom monogamist or do you participate in other fandoms? Which ones?
Definitely a fandom bigamist, although I'm extremely loyal to my OTP for each, to the point of rarely reading and never writing stories where they end up with another character. Clark/Lex for Smallville, John/Rodney for SGA (although I also read OT4 and Gen fics)
Best thing about McKay/Sheppard: go!
In my little corner of the world? The best thing is that nothing is instant for them, not their friendship, not their love. It grows over time and past troubles.
Why did you decide to participate in McShep Match?
I have a thing for challenges and zero willpower? Actually, I had a great time last year and couldn't wait to go again.
And how did you choose Team Work/Play?
I kind of had that picked for me when the mods asked me to be a captain, although Play was a great fit for me and I would have picked it anyway. :-D
Best thing about your contribution to this year's Match: go! (Remember to keep your answer vague, please!)
Getting it done on time? :-P No, I'd say it was playing with words and layering in multiple references to the prompt, team, and title. I love doing that.
Where can interested readers/viewers find more of your work?
Master Fic List on LJMaster Fic List on DWMaster Fic List on AO3 All three have everything I've completed, in order of completion.
A word to our sponsors?
Thank you so much,
fluffyllama and
trobadora for your hard work and dedication to the Match!
Additional questions:
pollitt asked:
1) What episode from one of your favorite shows (other than SGA, of course ;) would you love to have seen translated into a SGA episode, and why (or how would the episode have played out--briefly explain)? Go as random as you'd like, I'm not looking for it to necessarily be possible ;)
This is a tough one because I really don't watch television. I get all my series fixes from DVD's and for only a limited number of shows. Let's go with Firefly 1.06 'Shindig' because a costume show with John fighting a duel for Rodney's honor with swords? Wait, they did that in 'The Tower' - sort of.
Aha! I see your evil plan, to have me discover a crossover that hasn't been done so I'm forced to write it. Then I'd have to go with Firefly 1.02 'Our Mrs. Reynolds' because John ending up naked with a pissed off Rodney lecturing him about 'loose women and con artists and John never seeing it coming' would fit beautifully into my SGA happy place. *sighs and saves both to bunny cage*
2) Who's the one person no longer around (be they deceased, or on Earth, etc.) that John wishes he could introduce Rodney to?
His mother. We know he had issues with his father and brother, but his mother has remained a mystery, probably because he mourns her loss so deeply.
me_ya_ri asked:
1) What episode would you like to rewrite and how would you rewrite it? Why?
*counts 11 episode AU's and tags* Um, isn't that what I already do? *teases*
I've been running through Season Five episodes and I think 'Whispers' might be next up. I'd get rid of the surprise at the 'all girl' team (the writers couldn't even have Teldy say 'all women'?) and the Beckett/Sheppard combo that was just all wrong. It should have been our team with Teldy's team as very competent backup (and Beckett along as the medical whatever) in the scary misty night. When they got home, John and Rodney would sleep together and keep the bad dreams away from each other.
2) Big question! If you got to be the producer for the SGA Movie, what would it look like and what would happen? 8D
Producer? I'd make sure Atlantis made it back to Pegasus, possibly in time for a dramatic rescue, full-bird Colonel Sheppard at the helm. Our team would be there, but the McKay/Keller romance would fizzle and John and Rodney would finally realize whom they belong with in the end. Woolsey would be there and I'd have Daniel join them since Teal'c was busy with the Jaffa and Carter has the SGC. The McKay/Jackson team would find something new and exciting in the archives and everyone would be worried because look what happened the last time. There might be a ZPM factory or another city or an encounter with Ascended or all three and Team Sheppard to the rescue. I'd crack the whip over the writers to make sure there was plenty of McSheppy good times.
jlvsclrk asked:
My question may be a bit too vague but here goes anyways. What makes you decide that a movie is adaptable to Clex or McShep, and do you know going in at what point you're going to break with the movie's plotline. (eg The Kent Identity at the farmhouse)
When I tackle a remix/fusion, characterization is everything. It could have the best plotline in the world, but if the characters don't click together or match my view of them, then it doesn't happen. I have had people request certain movies and I've had to say "No, I don't see those characters working." An example was a request to write "The Thin Man" as Clark/Lex. I could not see anything of Clark or Lex in there beyond Lex drinking. In another example, I considered "Strange Days" for John/Rodney from what I could remember watching it years earlier. On re-watch, there was incredible chemistry between the leads, but they didn't come close to being right for McShep. I'm still wrestling with a 'Blade Runner' remix for John/Rodney - the last time I tried it with Clark/Lex and ended up with
In His Image, which only had a few elements from the movie.
I tend to favor romantic comedies, although I've tackled action/adventure and dramas. Having Clark/Lex or John/Rodney spark off each other is important - they can't be too sweet or fall instantly in love/lust. Well, Clark can be a little sweet. :-)
For Clark/Lex, I look for fairly severe dichotomy between the two: rich vs. poor, sophisticated vs. naive, city vs. country, ruthless vs. merciful and so on. I'm also looking for a younger dynamic in most cases, earlier in their lives, more open to change, both charming in their own way, both strong characters and intelligent. Alienation or 'different from the norm' is another indicator, for one or both of them. The point is they get together despite their differences.
For John/Rodney, I'm still looking for differences, but not necessarily severe. They're not young, they've lived and made mistakes and are wary of change and relationships. Rodney is always rough around the edges, acerbic with a well-disguised heart of gold. John is light and airy on the outside with a dark, chewy middle. Neither is weak, neither is stupid.
I break with plotlines when I dislike certain portions (i.e. fiancé's infidelity in the 'Six Days, Seven Nights remix,
Romance Not Included) or when I need to introduce/explain a necessary element (i.e. Clark's powers or lack of powers). In
The Kent Identity, the breaks were subtle up until the farmhouse, including AJ as a more equal partner than Marie in the movie. The important point needed to be made that Kyle was slowly coming into his powers and proto-Superman wouldn't kill except by accident or self-defense. Kyle's acceptance of AJ's, Tina's, and Bruce's help was also a major change.
Another important piece of putting remixes together for me is explaining how the characters got there. I don't want to just drop them into the role of scam artist/hooker, bookshop owner, FBI agent, or librarian. There is a reason they didn't end up where they were in canon and I need to know/show why.
Hope that comes close to what you were asking! :-)
amcnh asked:
What was your inspiration for "Destiny Wears a Disguise" and "Destiny Savage Heart" they are both historical pieces. Also "Art of Appreciation" and "You Still Own Me" and "Do You Believe In Magic" (was that one inspired by Big Fish?) Thanks for answering Clex questions on a McShep kinda kick :)
The two Harlequin historiala were written for the 2007
harlequin_sv challenge. Two 'covers' were available for everyone to choose from - I wrote one story for each. The original challenge art work is on a dead site, but you can see copies at:
Cover #1 by lapetite_kiki and
Cover#2 by taliosi_x (my title and name were added as First Place Winner)
I actually wrote
Destiny's Savage Heart first and spent a lot of time researching Native American tribes on the East Coast. I'd always been fascinated with the legend of Roanoke, so I decided to base the story around that (or at least similar to it). I tried to pick up as many of the elements of the cover as possible, right down to why Clark would have a sword (claymore), a tattoo, and a red cloak. Of course, I also had to explain why Lex was bald and the ships and so on. I loved the research on this: food, clothing, language, customs, so much so that I cut into the time I needed for the second story.
I made little notes for
Destiny Wears A Disguise while writing the first story, this time researching the Regency period. Clark was going to end up being a soldier in a British colony for a period, so choosing where was an issue because I knew I also wanted him back for Waterloo. Lex as dilettante was a little easier, but again I needed a reason for him to arrive at the equivalent of Smallville in the English countryside. I can't remember which set of links brought me to Saffron Walden, but that's when it all started falling into place and I could work out Clark's various disguises.
Art Appreciation was inspired by
Clark manip. I knew I had to write a story about it the minute I saw it, and I had the beginning lines waiting in a file for more than eight months (it actually showed up in a WIP meme) until the story finally got its turn.
Clark enjoyed his job moonlighting as a model for the evening art classes held at the museum. He knew things were going to get even better when he saw the newest student walk into the room. He spent that lesson draped over the posing block, dreaming about smooth pale skin.
You Still Own Me was inspired by a country music song that caught my attention on a ride home from work, back when I used to do crazy stuff like that. The lyrics are at the end of the story, but basically I wanted to write something where actions spoke louder than words and broken hearts were mended. I've always loved the ocean and its metaphors, so I based it around surfer Clark.
I hadn't seen the movie 'Big Fish' at the time, but I did have so much fun with
His Alibi that I kept in the back of my mind the idea of a circus being a good place to hide powers. I remember 2007 was my insane word count year, right before my health took a big dive, and I had so many stories fighting for their chance. :-)
Do You Believe In Magic?, which I co-wrote with
morganichele was one of the bunnies that came out on top.
Morgan and I had just finished
Dance With Your Heart and I was still riding the adrenaline high of collaborating on and finishing a 26K story in eight days. I woke up with the tagline, 'What if the circus was in town the day the sky fell down?' running through my head and immediately started researching circus and magic terms and figuring out how Clark would still be a Kent and raised in a circus. In the next 2 weeks (between 2 challenge fics), I put together a synopsis and drafted the first chapter, and then decided to ask Morgan if she wanted to go crazy with me again. Once again, we split the scenes up between us, I meshed them together and posted to LJ as they were ready. It was wonderful chaos and 46K and 28 days later, we finished. I just wish I had another opportunity for that kind of synergy again. It was wild.
And so we come to the end of my all-too-long interview. If there are any other questions you'd like answered, please feel free too ask in the comments.