Okay, so maybe I'm just squeakin' in under the wire, but it's only 2210 hours here on the left coast. =)
And now, without further ado,
1. How long have you been writing fan fiction?
I think I started writing fan fiction, oh, when I was about... nine. I actually wrote - by hand, since this was long before I had a computer (or even a typewriter) with which to write - fanfic for Galactica 1980, which was a sequel, of sorts, to the original Battlestar Galactica.
2. Have you participated in any other fandoms?
Oh my, yes. I've been in Star Wars fandom forever. I've been a Trekkie, on and off. I very much enjoyed the Brokeback Mountain fandom experience, though I've gotten away from that one. There's SG-1, of course, though I've never written for it that I can recall. I've written - hmm. If I stick to what I've ever posted online, we have Star Trek Voyager (Tom/B'Elanna), Brokeback Mountain (duh =)), Gundam Wing (Heero/Duo), Star Wars (Qui/Obi), ummmm... SGA, of course, though we're talking about other fandoms. Oh! The Potterverse, can't forget that. I'm a fan of Harry/Draco, and occasionally Harry/Snape. And I've occasionally dabbled in other fandoms as well, but only tangentially and not as an author.
3. What do you enjoy most about SGA and/or SGA fandom?
That's a tough one. I absolutely, wholeheartedly adore Rodney McKay, for one. =) I'm quite sure that a lot of that comes from the fact that David Hewlett is just the most adorkable person ever. I've been a fan of Stargate since the original movie - I saw it three times in two days, in the theatre. =) When SG-1 first started up on Showtime, I watched it religiously. I actually didn't start watching SGA when it first came on, but when I did start watching, I was hooked instantly. The dynamic between John and Rodney is fantastic, whether you see them as a couple or as team-mates and friends. The universe is fun. =) And, well, the fandom is just amazing. And then there's the fanfic, with the hot sex, err, I mean with the great storylines, the fanart, the awesome people... yeah. What's not to enjoy?
4. Why did you choose to join Team Angst/Team Romance?
I joined Team Romance because
my wife is on Team Angst, and we didn't want to be on the same team. =) And honestly, I'm all about the schmoop; and the sweetness; and the long, slow, deep, wet kisses that last three paragraphs; and the backrubs; and dorky!John and unwittingly-charmed!Rodney and... well, you get the idea. *grin*
5. Where can interested readers find more of your work?
You know, that's a really good question. Unfortunately, I don't really have a go-to place for my fic, yet. I've posted a couple-few things on the mcshep community, and there's the comment-fics I've done (one for
sheafrotherdon's kissing thingy and one for
bluespirit-star just because). I suppose I should gather things together at some point.
In the meantime, here are a few links for you: