But what do we really know about this Allyndra?

Jul 25, 2007 13:19

Hey there! I'm Allyndra, and this is my introductory post

1. How long have you been writing fan fiction?

I didn’t even know fanfiction existed until 2005. For months after I discovered it, I comforted myself about my long-standing ignorance by telling myself that most of the other people I knew weren’t aware of fanfic, either. Then, when I was subbing for a middle school English class, I caught two boys writing Naruto fanfic instead of doing their assignment. *Poof* went my comforting lies, and I was left with the knowledge that I’m just oblivious. Once I knew about fanfic, I got hooked quickly. I posted my first story (a silly, fluffy Spike/Xander) in February of 2006, so I’ve been writing for about a year and a half.

2. Have you participated in any other fandoms?

I’m a card carrying member of the Mystic Order of Arachnid Vigilance, and I joined the Rocky Horror Picture Show Fan Club in high school. I’m an active Browncoat, and I still have Next Generation and DS-9 action figures around here somewhere. Fic-wise, I read in a lot of fandoms, but I’ve written mainly in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

3. What do you enjoy most about SGA and/or SGA fandom?

SGA is science fiction with a sense of humor. It’s sarcastic and self-reflexive enough for me to feel like I’m being included in the joke. The characters are flawed enough that I can believe in them, but still likeable enough that I want them to succeed. And SGA has a fan community which includes some of the best writers I’ve ever encountered. You guys take canon and fill the holes, provide backstories, and paint stunning new scenarios that are often better than the episodes. And you do it all while encouraging and challenging one another. I love this fandom!

4. Why did you choose to join Team Romance?

I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy reading some good angst now and then. But all other things being equal, I’d rather have the characters working toward a happy ending without suffering through the angsty, angsty angst first. Plus, John and Rodney have enough bad in their lives. They deserve a little romance.

5. Where can interested readers find more of your work?

I post new stories to my lj, so you can read them there. I also archive everything at The Croff. I’ll warn you now that my stories to date have been mostly in the Buffy-verse, just so you don’t pop over there and leave in a huff when you see all my Xander fic
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