Title: Best Of Three
Characters/Pairing: McKay/Sheppard, Teyla, Ronon
Rating: PG
Word count: 144
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing with them for a little while.
Best Of Three
He kisses Teyla first, because that’s easiest. She’s beautiful, smiling, and obviously willing to play along. There’s an almost formal cheer from the audience as their lips meet.
Ronon next, and John really doesn’t know how something so awkward, and over in less than half a second, counts towards a team-bonding ritual. Still, a few of the natives applaud, and he figures it’s good enough.
And then Rodney. He hesitates, long enough for Rodney’s chin to come up and for John to be treated to the full force of Rodney’s best glare.
“Come on, Sheppard, the prospect can’t be that awful. Just get it over with.”
So John plants one on him. And it’s only when the catcalls and whistles begin that he realises neither of them are exactly ‘getting it over with.’
He decides he could get to like this team-bonding thing.