Daniel Joseph Schultz's Aliases
Your movie star name: Chicken Stanley
Your fashion designer name is Daniel Detroit
Your socialite name is Danny Boy Detroit
Your fly girl / guy name is Thug D
Your detective name is Penguin MCS
Your barfly name is French Fries Seven & Seven
Your soap opera name is Joseph Mitchell
Your rock star name is
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Comments 4
i so took that quiz last night too! hehe
Holy shit man its been forever. I cant believe this year is almost over but you know what they say...........Fuck it. Anyway I dont know about you, but this Friday, I think im gonna go to the bar. I havent really been there B4 and i was lookin for someone to go with me. I dont know if you drink or not, but I was thinkin if you did........Would you possibly like to go? Shit, I mean ill go. Anyway, you better tear it up with me this summer, and if we dont get arrested, which is never a definite thing, well probly get drunk and do something stupid. Again. And Again. Holla......
I.C.F.S (I cant fuckin spell)
K.I.T (Keep in touch)
H.A.C.B (Holla at cha boy)
Y.D.K.I.Y.B.O.F.W.B.S (You dont know it yet but on friday well be shitfaced)
I.G (Im Gay)
W.W (Wait what)
P.S. I had a question for you........
Can you smoke?
i cant believe your goign to the bar too!
O i can smoek the question here is how bad do i want to smoke now;)
but check it.......
i really dotn want to be arrested again but fuck it lets get drunk and do some stupid shit this summer!
H.A.C.B (holla at cha boi)
Grind on me, take ya time on me, shit til ya body gets week? ;)
o and its a beautiful life? i bet your shits be designer baby.
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