Chatting, typo-juggling, the usual online-nonsense. |~~|
Smiley: those two lines go "Tuuuh tuh: tuh tuh tuh tuh tuh tuh tuh tuh tuh tuh" ^^;..
Smiley: I'll probably be "tuh-tuh" at the end..
Trillian: Hee. |^^| Tuh-tuh. |^^|..
Zroon: "And when Mr. Sleep come, he take no prisoner, I tell you what.."
SaintOfKillers: some intelligent girl here looking for a good conversation?
Rude: define "good conversation"
Trollan421: Define "intelligent" while you're at it..
Trillian: (Snacky Stars goooood. |xo| *chompchomp*)
Smiley: (snacky staaars..)
Trillian: (Gotta love them for the name alone. |^^| )
Smiley: (^^; That's what I'm doin'..)
Smiley: ("Type in your name here: ____" ... "You are ____.")
Trillian: That's the coolest quiz ever. |^^|
Smiley: * * Yes.l.
Smiley: l. oo
Trillian: Hi, I. |oo|
Smiley: l<(yo)
Trillian: S'up? |^^|
Smiley: == Don't encourage it.. l<(i'm cool.)
Zroon: [o o] Maybe you can get a tiny car...
Zroon: ...and deliver pizza...
Zroon: ...tiny pizzas...
Trillian: You can throw sparkles and sprinkes at cobwebs and it'll look like christmas ornaments..
Zroonsneez: [o o] ...
Zroonsneez: SPRINKES
Trillian: |OO|
Zroonsneez: [o o]
Trillian: (calls for Super-L) |><|
Zroonsneez: O, Super-L... we praise and adore thee...
Trillian: sprinkes L <(Super-L to the rescue!)
Trillian: *sprinkLes*!
Zroonsneez: [o o] I'll watch this drama unfold.
Zroonsneez: [L L]
Trillian: I think that's been it. |oo| sprinkles
Smiley: oo So how's Mr. Friend, doing?
Smiley: Comma. >O
Trillian: Hi, comma.
Smiley: , <(yo)
Trillian: How's the dots?
Smiley: == Don't encourage it. , <(they're doin' alright)
Smiley: , <(doin' me 'n' the missus proud.)
Trillian: Cool. Cool.. |^^|;
Smiley: , <(dewey's just getting out of oxford college, and little dottie's just learning to crawl.)
Trillian: Awwww. |^^|
Smiley: , <(:))
Trillian: (considers bringing up grampa questionmark, but doesn't)
Smiley-O: What? Parent wanting money? What nonsense is this?
Fork-O: 3-8-/ this<( one ever accepts me)
Smiley-O: Nothing personal, this.
Fork-O: 3-8-| That drawing is phenomenal...
Smiley-O: * * Man, it means so much coming from you, Fork.
Taklay: Fries...
Taklay: I like fries. They don't make my head explode. :D
Smiley-O: * * Man, it means so much coming from you, Taklay.
Taklay: (3
Smiley: I lost my last kneady eraser today..
Smiley: I'm a failure. o o
Trillian: Maybe it just went on an adventure..
Smiley: Lousy eraser, going on adventures when I need it..
Tak: And I STILLl woke up at Noon. ._.
Tak: Three L's.. one lower-case.
Trillian: |^^|; Hi, Baby-L.
Trillian: That happens if you let two adult Ls roam freely..
Smiley: I rock so much it bothers me.
Smiley: My pants simply cannot stand to keep me warm against the wind!
Trillian: |OO| Bad pants!
Smiley: o o Well, they're just jeans..
Smiley: Better'n nothin'.
Trillian: YES. |^^|;
*Typo Top Ten*
Tak: Iy eotkrf. &&
Tak: ._.;;
Tak: Whoa, way off the keyboard.
Tak: It worked. :x
Trillian: (types up a quick journal entry) I need a funny quote.. say something funny! |><|
Smiley: Okay!
Smiley: Uumm.. umm.. . .; Happy holidays, everybody!
Trillian: |OO|... |oo|.. I guess that'll have to do. (copy-pastes)
Smiley: o o Saddam Hussein has been captured!?
Zroon: [o o] Umm, yeah... he had this big, gnappy beard...
Smiley: o o Yeh, he had nine months and all he could think of was a beard..
Wyndstram: *loses a tongue and some vocal cords trying to pronounce Zroonsneez*
Zroonsneez: [o o] It's pronounced "Jronn-Schwa"...
Wyndstram: Ooh...
Zroonsneez: [o o] Though, it usually sounds more like, "Zroon-Sneez"...
Wyndstram: Ah, okay. x)
Trollan421: And for extra fun, you can use /echo Something happens!
Something happens! (PowerSorcerer)
Wyndstram: Oo
Seriously! (PowerSorcerer)
Pete is dumb. (Zroonsneez)
Shush, Zroon. (PowerSorcerer)
Zroonsneez: [o o] I didn't say it...
Zroonsneez: It was a mysterious echo.
PowerSorcerer: Ohhh.
Trollan421: Oh, and you can also /think. |oo|
PowerSorcerer .oO( Does. )
Zroonsneez .oO( different. )
Zroonsneez: [o o] He will always have a place in my heart...
Zroonsneez: [o o] In my left ventricle.
PowerSorcerer: Shucks..
Zroonsneez: [==] Yer stealin' my bit.
PowerSorcerer: So? {><}
Zroonsneez: [o o] It's plagiarism.
PowerSorcerer: Sue me. {^^}
Zroonsneez: [o o] *massive lawsuit against Pete*
PowerSorcerer: {OO} *loses*
Zroonsneez: Oh, hi Takkenborx..
Zroonsneez: [==] ..and if you don't return my greeting..
Zroonsneez: [o o] I dunno... I'll feel insecure.
Takken: Hiiii, Zroon. |^^|;
Zroonsneez: [. .] Phew..
Zroonsneez: S'like puking on a coat hanger...
Zroonsneez: [o o] I never thought I'd hafta say that...
Zroonsneez: [o o] Well... wait... that's been on my "To-Do" list for a while...
Zroonsneez checks it off.
Jupiter-Knight: I trust ur cooking more than Takky's, Tril.
Trollan421: Really? |**| ...How so? |oo|
Zroonsneez: He likes burnt things.
Jupiter-Knight: yep. ^_^'
Jupiter-Knight: aside from the fact that whatever Tril cooks remains alive...O.o
Trollan421: |<<| Just some things. |oo|;
Trollan421: Actually, I'm more likely to cook them BACK to life.. |oo|
Takken: You don't get rich off art until you're dead. |. .|
Zroonsneez: No, no...
Zroonsneez: What you do is, see...
Zroonsneez: You tell rich people that a bunch of squiggly lines represent things...
Zroonsneez: [o o] And tell them that means that they owe you a billion dollars...
Zroonsneez: [o o] And Viola... you get to sit at coffee houses and grow a goatee... even if you're a woman...
Mr_McMooo: Balloon squirrels are... Ew...
Mr_McMooo: |oo|; Looks more like a tumor..
Trillian: A balloon tumor.. now there's something for the kids.. |. .|
Zroon: Scan...
Zroon: [o o] Show some enthusiasm, yew clod.
Zroon: [o o] Not that much, you spaz.
Trillian: Oh. Sorry. |oo| Whoooooooo. |oo|
Zroon: [o o] Dang Straight.
Trillian: And with Latin I just remember super-stupid stuff.. like "musculus" means "little mouse".. |66|
Trillian: And "Lana nubecula" is "fluffy cloud". |><|
Tak: Fluffy cloud. ^^
Trillian: And with THAT I was supposed to explain how Brutus killed Ceasar. |99|
Tak: XD
Trillian: Oh, and "veni vidi vadi". |^^|
Trillian: "I came, saw and walked away."
Tak: XD Hee...
Tak: Veni vidi velcrow. @.o I came, I saw, I stuck around.
Trillian: |^^|;
Trillian: Veni vidi whoopsie.
Tak: X3
Trillian: Our whole Latin class was a little odd. |oo|
Trillian: Once that one guy had to translate "After Brutus killed Caesar, he laughed"...
Trillian: And he wrote "Cesare necatus Br. hahaha".
Tak: o_o...... XD
Trillian: Thinking about it, it was worth the bad grade. |^^|;
Trillian: (blinks at a piece of cooled-down pizza slowly rolling up) |oo| ...fascinating.
Tak: o_o....
Trillian: (stares at the pizza some more) Reminds me of those seeds.. you know? That roll up and then unfold, jumping really faaaar.... (imagines that happening with the pizza)
Tak: oo... Mexican jumping beans..?
Trillian: Nah, those have worms in them.
Tak: Yeah, I know. oo;
Tak: But I don't know what you're talking about. ^^
Trillian: My pizza dun have a worm in it.
Trillian: I dunno, it's seed things that curl up, and then uncurl all of a sudden, doing a mighty leap.
Tak: oo
Trillian: Just once. Else it'd be funny watching those critters jump around the world.. |^^|;
Trillian: Plants are creative little things, aren't they. |oo|
Tak: Aye. oo
BT_maniac: I love my shoes so much I wear them too bed!
Smiley-O: oo Are your shoes just that great?
BT_maniac: they are converse all stars
Smiley-O: Mine are falling apart.
Dusty: hehe. ^^^
Dusty: ooo;;
Trillian: |oo|
Trillian: Spare eye. |^^|;
Trillian: Save it for later.
Dusty: oo*save*o
[choconana joined channel The House]
Trollan421: You can ride on him.. |oo|
Trollan421: Uh. |. .|
Trollan421: We're talking about dogs.
Trollan421: That made it worse, didn't it. |. .|
Smiley-O: oo
Trollan421: Yes. |. .|
Smiley-O: Choconana, you must swear not to tell anyone of what transpired over the last two minutes you were here.
Trollan421: Yes please. |. .|
[choconana left channel The House]
Trollan421: Oh god. |. .|
Zroonsneez: [o o] ignore that apostrophe...
Zroonsneez: [oo ] '<(I'm so alone)
Zroonsneez: [o o]
Zroonsneez: [o o] ...and now.. the moment you've all been waiting for...
Trollan421: |OO|..
Zroonsneez totally overhyped his exit and now can't think of how to leave...
Trollan421: |OO|
Smiley-O: OO...
Smiley-O = Anticipation.
Zroonsneez: [. .] Stop it...
Trollan421: |OO|... |oo|
Zroonsneez: [o o] Phew...
Trillian: I'm just a fan. |; ;|
Tak: A BIG fan.
Trillian: Size dun matter. |. .|
Tak: ... *snerk*
Trillian: Hum. |oo|..#
Trillian: |>>|..#
Trillian: Getitoffgetitoffgetitoff.. |. .|..#
Zroon: [o o] No.
Trillian: |. .|..# (sigh.)
Trillian: *yawning sound effect* |~~|
Tak: oo;
Trillian: |OO|
Trillian: Sorry? |; ;|
Smiley: oo You made me yawn.
Trillian: YAY! |^^|
Tak: X3
Trillian: (does a loooooong, elaborate yaaaawn) |~~|
Tak: *remains unphased* :3
Trillian: (YAWNS!!!) |OO|
Tak: *giggle* X3
Trillian: Darn you. |==| *shakes a yawn*
Tak: Meef. o
Tak: o....
Tak: -..
Trillian: |oo|; (donates an eye)
Tak: ^^;
Smiley: *long pause*
Trillian: |oo| *suspense*
Smiley: "Will Smiley ever leave to bed??" *dramatic chord one!*
Smiley: "What does he think he's doing, staying up so late like that?" *dramatic chord two!*
Trillian: |OO|
Trillian: GO AWAY! |^^|
Smiley: "What do you suppose he'll dream about?" *f-chord* oo
Trillian: |OO| AAAH!!
Smiley: ^^
Bug: what's the 411 on your current status?
Trillian: I have a current status?
Bug: what I mean is, what ur up to. ^_^'
Trillian: OH! |OO|... er.. I dunno. |^^|;
Trillian: Sitting around, drinking.. some sorta juice. |oo| It's orange.
Bug: heh, all you do is surf the net, play video games, draw, and drink some sorta juice that's orange. paradise.
Trillian: Yeah, ain't it sweet. |~~|
Bug: yeah just rub it in. >.>
Trillian: (rubrub) |oo|
Bug: -_-
Trillian: (rub) |^^|
Tak: My mouth tastes like onions. :D
Trillian: NO! |OO|
Tak: 'Kay. oo
Trillian: |OO| |oo|... That was easy.
Tak: ^^
Smiley: Lacey's really whiney..
Smiley: I think I want a grilled cheese hamburger like sandwich..
Smiley: oo Man, I kinda wanna play Super Mario Bros, now..
Trillian: (looks at the last three lines and snorts)
Trillian: You're a bit loose on your topics there. |^^|;
Smiley: ^^; Gotta just keep the conversation going.
Trillian: It was all "Lacey's whiney, therefore I want a cheese sandwich. |^^|;
Smiley: "Speaking of sandwiches, I kinda wanna play Super Mario Bros."
Smiley: *eats a sloppy Joe sandwich* oo Mmf.
Trillian: Sloppy Joe.. |^^|;;;
Smiley: I'm sure it's called something else where you're from.
Trillian: Very likely. |^^|;
Smiley: Sloppy Hans..
Trillian: (snerks) Right.
*Typo Top Ten*
Smiley: Rurd.
Smiley: I mrean.
Smiley: Eyes.
Trillian: (looks at the Big Surprise egg again) I should try to put that thing together to see what it IS..
Trillian: (Hm, all those legs hint that it IS an octopus..)
Trillian: (*pulls out the head part and stares at the face* |oO|..)
Tak: Oo
Trillian: (looks at the batteries again) Big Surprise Eggs sure know their deal. |oo|
Tak: oo;
Tak: XD
Tak: Biiiig.
Trillian: This thing doesn't come with an instruction, it comes with a *manual*
Tak: O_o; Whoa. XD
Trillian: |oo|;; Darn, where's my screwdriver..
Tak: oo Sounds complicated.. ^^;
Trillian: HAH! what? ..Oh. The star opens and that's where the batteries go.
Tak: ^^
Trillian: |^^|
Trillian: (...I think I need a second person. |xx| *tries to put the thing back together*)
Trillian: (puts the last two legs of the octopus in place *pantpant*) |xx|
Tak: ^^;;
Trillian: Okaaay.. now, what does this thing do... (turns it on)
Trillian: Ohhh. It vibrates. |~~|... |oo| |<<| (watches it jiggle around)
Tak: *snicker* XD
Trillian: ((plays with the vibrating octopus some |. .|;; ))
Tak: ((cackles, 'cause the word "vibrate" is funny))
Smiley: (I bet it's adorable. ^^)
Trillian: (it has a starfish sticking to the side of its head.)
Tak: (Are you having fun, Trillee? XD; )
Trillian: (Yes. |~~| )
Pat: (...)
Trillian: (This must be the most misunderstood toy in history.)
Tak: (... Well, that's the understatement of the century. XD;; )
Trillian: (It baffles me, but I put it together and it was hard work, so I'm gonna play with it now. |<<| )
Trillian: (I think I better make a photo just so that people get those wrong images out of their heads now.)
Pat: (THANK you. . .; )
Tak: (*immature giggling*)
Smiley: (o o I want to see it.. I bet it's cute..)
Trillian: (It's as cute as everything from Surprise Eggs is)
Trillian: (Man.. the "eggs" part really doesn't help in this case, either..)
Pat: (... Trillee's lost their innocence. XD)
Tak: (It's been gone for ages, Pat. XD)
Pat: (XDD)
Pat: (So Trillee's in the club now? X3)
Tak: (*shrug* XD)
Trillian: ( |<<| I'M FINE.)
Trillian: (It's YOU people who read too much into the poor octopus.)
Trillian: (picture-show)
Pat: (Oooooh. o.o)
Trillian: (Did that help? |<<|; )
Tak: (A little. XD)
Trillian: (I can't help past that, because I suppose there's just no excuse for a vibrating octopus..)
Pat: (Nope.)
Pat: (Trillee's in the club. Henceforth they shall be known... as... CATNIP.)
Trillian: I was just too lazy to change the colors, so far.#
Trillian: Hi, #.
Tay: Random number sign. oO
Trillian: # <(I'm not random..!)
Tay: Oh?
Trillian: # <(*mock-speaks* "Random person thingy! oO")
Trillian: # <(*mutter*)
Tay: X3
Smiley: He didn't do it on purples..
Smiley: I mean..
Smiley: Purpose..
Smiley: That was an actual typo, too..
Smiley: I mean.. Purples.. where did that come out of Purpose..
Smiley: Ocrtopus!
Smiley: Ockertopus? oo
Smiley: Oktoberfest. oo
Smiley: You're supposed to greet me with fanfare and much to-do!
Trillian: |oO| *fanfare!*
Smiley: o o And..?
Trillian: *much to-do!* |OO|
Smiley: ^^
Smiley: 'allo. :>
Trillian: |^^| *Hi.*
Smiley: My haircut looks like something a girl would get in the 1920's. >>
Tak: XD
Tak: Glad that's like a whole different era now, eh?
Smiley: Yeh.. but what if I suddenly traveled back in time? . .
Tak: oO
Tak: ... I doubt you will. XD
Zroon: If I leave the computer.... I'll just go play video games...
Trillian: |~~|
Zroon: [o o] Huh? That's BAD!
Trillian: |OO| OH!
Zroon: [>O]
Trillian: |oo|;
Trillian: |oo|...
Trillian: |~~|
Zroon: [o o] ...I'm watchin' you.
Trillian: |OO|
Zroon: [>O] my peepers trained, mind you.
Trillian: |OO|;
Zroon: [o o] You just never know when I just might be... [- -] Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Trillian: |oo|
Trillian: |~~|
Zroon: [oO] Hmm, ho? Wha?
Trillian: |OO|
Trillian: |oo| Whoa, man, don't write a novel while I'm gone.
Smiley: o o ... uu Aw man.. *tears his stack of paper in two*
Trillian: |OO| ACK!
Tay: ............ And now I have to pee.
Tay: :3 Just thought you should know. *zip*
Trillian: |oo| *informed*
Trillian: (Brother's back. |oo| )
Trillian: (He's playing with my Katana. |xx| )
Tay: (oO)
Smiley: o o Slice the supporting beam!
Trillian: (And he was all "How many weapons for murder DO you have under your bed here?" and I was all "...six?")
Tay: (XD)
Trillian: (And I already told him to NOT slice the supporting beam. |<<| )
Tay: (Did he listen?)
Trillian: (Yes, so far. |>>| )
Trillian: (He says.. "I have to gain weight, my pants are slipping." |oo| )
Smiley: "There's actually a "blancmange function".. I guess the mathemeticians were hungry."
Zroon: Nice adfjkaskjfdskjf
Trillian: |oo| dglkd.
Zroon: [o o] I dunno about that.
Trillian: wecnl.. |. .|
Zroon: [o o] Really?
Trillian: ctlian dsgtl! |OO|
Zroon: [OO] Ya don't SAY!
Trillian: dt!
Trillian: (GAAAH, ITCH! I think I'm gonna take this bandage off.. even if my wrist starts hurting again then.. |. .|; )
Trillian: (*remove* *scratchscratch* |==| *Ahhh.* |~~| )
Trillian: The gel's all gone, anyway..
Trillian: I wonder what it's doing in there..
Zroon: Ooo, I bet it's having all sorts of adventures. [ 9 9 ]
Zroon: With tea, crumpets, and all manner of little cakes...
Trillian: Cool. |oo|
Zroon: Frolicing through mushmellow fields....
Trillian: Almost makes me wanna get sucked into my wrist. |oo|
Zroon: Everyone dreams of that... but, no one's crazy enough to actually go through with it!
Trillian: Let's all have an adventure in my wrist..!
Pat: No. {. .}
Trillian: Kay.. |. .|
Smiley: But first... my hair is all flat after today's shower... *fluffs*
Trillian: Heeeee. |^^|;
Trillian: (imagines that all silly-like) ....*FLUFF*!
Smiley I can't find my best fluffing comb! OO
Smiley: It's time for... an adventure!
Trillian: |OO|
Smiley: Oh... *finds it* oo
Trillian: Let the fluffing begin!
Smiley: *fluffs* ^^
Trillian: 4:21..!
Trillian: 22.. |. .|
Trillian: Okay, bed. The day doesn't hold anything for me anymore, now that it's 4:22.
Trillian: I forgot his name on SPiN. |oo|
Zroon: [o o] Was it "flutteringbutterfly84"?
Zroon: [o o] Wait, that's too long for SPiN...
Zroon: [o o] "fluttbutt87"?
Trillian: Yes.. yes.. Flutterbutt..
*Serix enters*
MiraKitty: heya Serix
Serix: Yo.
Trillian: Serix! |**|
Serix: Me!
Trillian: So good to see you!
Serix: ...What is it you want?
Trillian: |oo| Nothing, I'm just being friendly.
Serix: Just making sure. XD
Trillian: (blinks) My brother has this special way of coming into my room, picking up my digicam memory card and 50 Euro from my safe and walking out again.
J_pizza: Did he do it without you seeing him?
Trillian: If I hadn't seen him I'd probably not tell you about it.
Tak: You should be proud of being old and wrinkley and smelly when you get that far!
Tak: "My bowels haven't moved in three days! :D"
Trillian: Dear gods. |xx|
Zroon: [o o] Tell me your darkest secrets.
Trillian: |oo|
Zroon: [o o] C'mon, it'll be fun.
Trillian: I'm eating tuna. |oo|
Zroon: [o o] Oh.
Smiley: *doesn't notice the earthshaking noise of the crumpling bag.*
Smiley: ~~ I'm hungry, but I just had lunch maybe two hours ago..
Smiley: Maybe the hunger will go away on its own.. ~~
Smiley: I can't possibly be starving.
Trillian: Just assume your stomach is holding a concert.
Smiley: ~~ *waves a lighter*
Smiley: I'm udodmpbv fghs asbxifs, foo.
Smiley: I mean..
Smiley: I'm using the wevsite, too..
Smiley: I mean..
Smiley: I'm using he website, too..
Smiley: oo..
Smiley: Close enough.
Pat: *snirk* {oo}
Zroon: [o o] Type things between asterisks and attribute it to yourself*
Zroon: [o o] ...
Zroon: [ oo] *
Zroon: [ oo] ...*
Zroon: [o o]
Zroon: [o o] That happens a lot.
Trillian: I wonder where all those rejected *'s go..
Zroon: [o o] To the salt mines of Ablurskq 245-Alpha Que Durango Spummykin-73-11
Zroon: [o o] Good salt there...
Trillian: I WISH I could draw that fast. |><| For animation, you HAVE to draw fast..
Zroon: [o o] You also have to draw well.
Trillian: (looks at 90% of the toons on TV) |oo|..
Zroon: [o o] Oh.
Zroon: [o o] Remember when we was happy, George?
Smiley: o o Lenny... just.. just don't, Lenny...
Zroon: [o o] ...but, George...
Smiley: I don't want to hear about it! @@
Zroon: [. .] Okay, George...
Zroon: [o o] I've always wanted to cram a jar full of marshmellows...
Zroon: [o o] Just to see what happens...
Tay: o o
Zroon: [o o] ...actually, that's a horrible idea...
Tay: I've stuffed jars full of marshmellows before.
Zroon: [OO] GET OUT!!!
Zroon: [OO] WHAT HAPPENS?!!!
Tay: oo They sat in the jar...
Zroon: [o o] Oh...
Zroon: [o o] When you opened the jar, did they issue forth?
Tay: Nuh.
Smiley: o o Schiedhies! Ofg ruise!
Smiley: Pe therfect bleifitceltzer. oo
Smiley: ~~ So many ideas, your skull becomes hollow.
Trillian: Makes me wonder just WHERE those ideas are gathering, then. |^^|;
Smiley: I have to trace genealogy and conduct interviews with family members for the second half of this semester. oo
Zroon: [o o] Smiley, you're saying too many big words.
Zroon: [>O] You and yer "EEE-cology"... MY WIFE HAS TO WEAR ROLLY SKATES NOW!
Zroon: [9 9] WAAAH!
Zroon: [>O] Yeah, like I'm gonna have sympathy for that...
Zroon: Oh, it's Cranberry Sauce...
Zroon: [o o] It's the only sauce that's shaped like a can, and served in sliced disks...
Trillian: That sounds familiar, though sauce shouldn't be vertical. |^^|;
Trillian: Hmm.. Halloween's soon..
Trillian: Dressed up as candy and handing out little zombies.. |~~|
Zroon: [o o]'s dressing up as candy and handing out tiny yous in costumes...
Trillian: In candy costumes. |oo|
Zroon: [><] No, no... see... it's a basic role-reversal...
Zroon: [>O] Candy handing out people? You see...
Trillian: |~~|
Zroon: [o o] Like, I guess you could dress the candy up like you... that'd be the ideal case...
Trillian: That'd be cute. |^^|
Trillian: They DO have tiny teddy-shirts in store.. |<<|
Zroon: Yeah, let's put them on candy already. [9 9]
Trillian: Okay!
Zroon: [9 9] That'll be sane.
Zroon: [9 9] "Why mother-dearest, I'm dressing up the candies... ho ho ho.."
Trillian: (imagines a chocolate bar peeking happily out of a shirt that reads "Best Grandpa") |^^|
Zroon: [o o] Best... Grandpa...
Zroon: [o o] I wonder...
Zroon: [o o] ...Well, I dunno....
Trillian: You wonder why there's more than one shirt that says that? |oo|
Zroon: [>O] Not... really...
Trillian: Oh. |oo|
Zroon: [9 9] WOE! WOE! WOPE!
Zroon: [o o] ...
Zroon: [o o] ... wope?
Zroon: [o o] Our lives are like cereal.
Trillian: |oo| Corny?
Zroon: [o o] ...yeah, that too.
Trillian: ...eating peanuts is so tedius... |. .|
Smiley: oo It's a natural defense mechanism.. eventually, the eater gets bored.
Tay: oo It sounds like it's gonna snoooow sooon...
Trillian: How can it sound like that? |oo|
Trillian: The sound of clouds inhaling?
Zroon: So, Pete...
Zroon: [o o] Don't you think Smiley is a jerk?
Pat: Smiley is cool. {oo}
Zroon: [>O] We'll see about that...
Zroon: Hey, Smiley!
Zroon: Are you cool?
Smiley: oo I am.
Pat: *>D*
Zroon: [o o] I guess Pete showed me.
Trillian: Hm... toilet time. |<<|
Smiley: oo I was thinking the same thing.
Trillian: |~~| Team Toilet.
Smiley: oo SHAPE OF...
Smiley: ...crap. oo
Trillian: *awaaaaay* |OO|
Zroon: [o o] So, Smelly...
Smiley: oo Yes?
Smiley: oo Wait..
Smiley: >O Why did I respond to that?
Trillian: "Songs from the Toilet"....
Trillian: I can't see that becoming an instant hit...
Zroon: [o o] I can...
Zroon: [o o] Songs to Defecate To...
Zroon: [~ ~] The Boisterous Sounds of Relief...
Smiley: ~~
Trillian: Excrementum Liberat, Vol.1...
Zroon: [o o] Yeah.
Zroon: [o o] BOTTOM.
Zroon: [o o] ...what's the matter with us?
Trillian: We're knee-deep in toilet humor.
Zroon: [o o] POSTERIOR!
Zroon: [o o] All I'm even envisioning is, like... Jingle Bells in flatulence.
Zroon: [o o] ...and it sounds really lame.
Trillian: Hehheh.
Trillian: They've done it with dog barking. |<<|
Zroon: [o o] Like... it's just a bunch of successive noises... that aren't even at the right pitch...
Trillian: |~~|
Zroon: Then someone screams... "OH, MY PANTS!"
Trillian: |OO|
Zroon: [o o] ...and it's all tragic.
Zroon: [>O] The United Soviet Socialist Republics...
Zroon: [o o] Or as they called it... the CCCP
Smiley: o o Communist Communist Communist Party...
Tak: oo... XD
Zroon: [o o] Yeah, that's it, Smiley.
Tak: Communist Communist Communist PARTY. *confetti*
Zroon: I'm gonna start shouting "BEHOLD!" now..
Trillian: Okay..
Smiley: oo okay..
Zroon: [o o] I'm glad you're all so supportive.
Smiley: OO SUE ME.
Trillian: Okay. |oo| *lawsuit*
Smiley: oo Very stylish.
Trillian: Thank you. |~~|
Trillian: You are a very, very creepy man, Trent.
Trent: *thinks of all the names you guys call him* A Creepy...insane...idiot........
Trent: Tay: ASS.
Trent: ...Ass
Trillian: Quite a collection. |^^|
Trillian: Most stores have some "ambient" CD section? |^^| With harps and piano and choirs and twittering dolphins and.. dunno.. farts...
Zroon: [o o] ... really?
Zroon: I should get a CD of relaxing flatulence...
Trillian: Yes. |~~|
Trillian: (blinks at advertisement popup) "WARNING! You may have critical errors on your PC! System check... Windows XP detected." Well, there you have it.
Tak: Phbbtt, my hair's gonna hate me.
Tak: S'gonna be everywhere.
Trillian: Mostly on your head, though.
Tak: ... Well, yes.
Tak: I should hope so.
Speck: I say you look like robot tofu...
Zroon: NO.
Speck: YES.
Zroon: NON.
Speck: OUI.
Zroon: NEIN.
Speck: ...>O What's the word for yes in German?!
Speck: XB Best drink name ever.
Trillian: |o o| Man, how do you order that without... being misunderstood...
Smiley: ~~
Smiley: A nice glass of shut the fuck up...
Smiley: oo *screws with his roommate's TV settings*
Trillian: |- -|;.... My mind just cut off Smiley's sentence at the " ' "....
Trillian: You people really mess up my mind. |. .|
Tak: ..............
Tak: uu I'm sorry.
Trillian: I'm so lazy today that I couldn't get my eyes to climb over the steep reading that is '. |><|
Tak: Because 876 songs isn't enough.
Trillian: I have 845... |==|
Tak: o o
Tak: Haw. ^^
Trillian: I could SO have more. |==|
Tak: My Playlist is bigger than yours. >D
Trillian: Playlist Envy. |uu|;
Tak: XD
(Trent spontanously invites everyone to chat)
Trillian: |oo|
Zroon: [o o]
Trent: o-o
Speck: o o
Trent: I love how everyone did their trademark stare...
Tay: ==
Tak: o o All phonebooths are like that....
Tak: o o That I know of, here..
Tak: o o ...heck, ours don't even have shelters anymore..
Trillian: Ours don't even have phones anymore. |99|
Tak: o o
Tak: XD
Tak: That shouldn't be funny, but it is.
Trillian: ...I just got a spam mail with a subject that shouldn't amuse me. "Nice shoes - wanna f*ck?"
Trillian: They put toilet rolls in the back of the car for decoration. I mean, what's with THAT?
Tak: ...what. Who does that. XDD
Trillian: People. |uu|;
Trillian: And if they're half used up people are gonna assume you're some kind of chronic sideline crapper...
Tak: ..... XD
Trillian: We totally need to change topic.
Tak: *blinks at a webpage* ... *snort* "Congratulations, You're PREGNANT! Welcome to a wonderful and exciting time full of changes, hopes, dreams, and if you are like most... the dreaded morning sickness." OH JOY.
McT: "Congratulations, you're pregnant! Lying ahead are the worst nine months of your life, followed by the most stressful next ten YEARS of your life! Abort? Y/N"
Tak: Ouch.
McT: |uu| That had to be said.
Tak: ...if not the next 18 years. uu;
McT: |^^|; Let's stay optimistic here.
Tak: Okay, okay. uu
McT: (tries to yawn and drink at the same time to be more efficient)
Tak: ...yeah, drown yourself, very good.
McT: ..yeah, in retrospect that wasn't very smart.
Tak: XD
(Zroon leaving for bed.)
Trillian: Go. |>>| |uu|
Zroon: [oo]
Zroon: ..................................... [ oo]