Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon III

Apr 16, 2006 00:00

Sorted: 133 prompts. Blame the Cat(s).

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cat's birthday drabblethons

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pandarus April 16 2006, 13:43:35 UTC
Recipient: atrata
Prompt: Snape (/Harry if you like), He came unto his own, and his own received him not
Word count: 101
Rating: Character death.

Their eyes met as Harry snapped out the killing curse. A flash of green and then Snape was falling, falling. For Dumbledore, Harry thought, trembling with anger.

“He was on our side.”

Harry stared at Remus.


Lupin’s skin was a sickly colour as he looked down at Snape’s body. Harry felt a squeeze of terrible uncertainty inside his chest.

“He was spying for the Order.”

“He betrayed us!”

“No.” Harry was shaken by the certainty in Lupin’s voice. “It was all Dumbledore’s plan. Even Dumbledore’s death. Snape was always on our side.”

“But why?” It made no sense.

“For Lily.”


kalieris April 16 2006, 17:34:45 UTC
Ouch! I don't know whether to say "poor Severus" or "poor Harry."


josanpq April 16 2006, 18:53:50 UTC


atrata April 16 2006, 19:38:47 UTC
Eeeee, ouch indeed. Thank you!


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