Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon III

Apr 16, 2006 00:00

Sorted: 133 prompts. Blame the Cat(s).

the list of who's writing what... )

cat's birthday drabblethons

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"Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" underlucius April 16 2006, 18:08:11 UTC

"That's for remembrance..."

Four walls full square, a bed a jug a man,
Hair shorn, wand snapped, the Malfoy power docked
Full forgot by master, wife - unmanned
By lover, cruel, and in the dark, I'm mocked.
I would the walls were white, the ceiling cream
Bright searing light, for they'd not mind of you
Black calls you forth, nightmare, vision, dream
Oh Severus, have you forgotten too?
Is naught for us? No touch for me to hope for?
Is this the life that I have been bestowed?
Are truly lost those youthful words we both swore?
Can I be lost if you are on the road?
The darkness here is deeper than your eyes
Send me rosemary, my boy, and not goodbyes.


Re: "Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" sinick April 17 2006, 16:30:22 UTC
Not that the flobberworms wouldn't've been 'memorable' too, just not memorable in the _good_ way. ;^>

And yes, I hadn't thought of it that way - it was just a throwaway line Himself insisted on saying - but you're perfectly right, that really is the whole difference between them, in a nutshell. The entire concept of keeping flobberworms in one's pocket was probably too gauche to ever cross Lucius' mind, while it probably never crossed Severus' mind that there was any social difference at all between carting around plant vs. animal ingredients like that: it's just convenient.


Re: "Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" sinick April 17 2006, 05:30:39 UTC
Oh. My. GOD.

Heart, meet STOMP!

*curls up into a tiny ball of Miss Your Luc*


Re: "Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" underlucius April 17 2006, 08:39:11 UTC
Well you always have the reassurance that whenever Lucius waxes lyrical about his boy, he's ALWAYS talking about your Severus. I was one of the luckiest people in fandom when I found someone who wrote a SS that fitted my vision of him in Lucius' life.

He misses your boy too. *sniff* I should write a prison visit, perhaps... *evil grin*

and GIP! I can't remember where I found this picture, but it's SO THEM.



Re: "Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" sinick April 17 2006, 16:17:17 UTC
Oh, hon! You could toast crumpets on my blush.

(And thanks for posting that list of other sonnets above - I _think_ I've read them all, but I've saved the list and will check tonight.)

*ogles your icon and drifts off in a happy haze of Snuciusness*


Re: "Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" aphephobia April 17 2006, 07:55:14 UTC
Oh, wow... that was gorgeous- and completely different... it really captures the desperation of the whole mess he's in... ♥ it. :) Thankyou.


Re: "Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" underlucius April 17 2006, 08:40:41 UTC

so happy you liked it - not everyone's taste I know, but I can see him brooding in anguish like this!

Thank you!




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Re: "Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" underlucius April 17 2006, 10:45:40 UTC
Thank you! He's such a emo-git at times.



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Re: "Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" underlucius April 17 2006, 11:53:14 UTC
I have no idea about the technicality of them either, as I'm sure my more scholarly friends will be able to tell me, but I count five beats per line, and the rhyming goes (in shakespearian sonnets) run like mine, other sonnets do have different ryming rules.

Thank you!



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Re: "Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" underlucius April 17 2006, 12:33:50 UTC

true. But I call it "tum te tum te tum te tum te tum"



Re: "Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" amanuensis1 April 18 2006, 18:41:32 UTC
Well, hey. *claps*


Re: "Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" underlucius April 25 2006, 17:32:25 UTC
thank you! I missed this comment!



Re: "Lucius thinks about his life while in Azkaban. for aphephobia" lyras April 25 2006, 00:22:30 UTC
You are officially wonderful; this drabble is wonderful! *fangirls even more than usual*

So beautiful; I want to pick out favourite bits, but that feels almost unnecessary. The last line, though, and the first, are especially hard-hitting.


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